Kalpana Kollipara
What is DataBase Testing? How can we test Database Testing manually?
By Kalpana Kollipara in Software Testing on Aug 13 2010
  • Sonakshi Singh
    Feb, 2012 17

    We generally use database testing for testing the properties like atomicity, consistency, isolation and durability of DB transactions. In the past databases were just used to store records. Whereas Database testing is used to ensure data mapping and ensures accuracy as well.

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  • Nikhil S
    Aug, 2010 19

    Database testing is to test the input values (from frontend) into backend(DB) using Queries.

    if your are add form from frontend then check into DB that all info saved successfully into DB....


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  • Divya Saxena
    Aug, 2010 19

    Database testing: to test the input/output values in DB. e.g  if we change anything in the frontend and backend then what will the effect on the database.

    Using SQL queries we can test manulay like.... select, insert,update,delete

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