Mahesh Chand
What is the project management structure in your project? Is a PL assigned to the project?
  • Mithilesh Gupta
    May, 2023 5

    The meaning of Project management is the process of planning, organizing, executing, and controlling a project. There are many different types of project management structures that you can choose from depending on the structure of the project you are running or the specific needs of your business.

    1.Waterfall Modeling:

    The most common type of project organizational structure is called Waterfall Modeling or Waterfall Methodology (also known as sequential or traditional methodology). The waterfall is a widely used project management structure that organizes work into phases.

    2.Agile Modeling:

    Another popular model is called Agile Modeling or Agile Methodology (also known as “iterative” or “incremental”). The agile method is based on smaller chunks of work completed in parallel rather than consecutively. This helps speed up delivery time by breaking down large projects into smaller ones with smaller timelines.


    There are three primary types of project management structures are functional, matrix, and projectized.

    1. Functional Organization Structure:

    Functional organization is a Project Management Structure that focuses on specialization and departmentalization to achieve efficiency and effectiveness.
    The benefit of this (PMO) project organizational structure is that it allows more specialized employees to contribute to a project without going through layers of management.

    2. Projectized Organization Structure:

    Projectized organizations are those that have a structure that is designed to create and deliver projects rather than complete long-term goals. In this way, it is similar to an ad hoc organization in that it is temporary and focused on a specific task or set of functions.

    The advantage of a projectized organization is that it can be very flexible in terms of how it organizes its resources, which helps to ensure that the most appropriate people are assigned to each task at hand

    3. Matrix Organization Structure:

    Matrix organizations are one of the most flexible project management structures available. It can be more responsive than other types of project management structures because it allows teams to quickly shift their focus when necessary. It is also less costly than other types of project management structures. Besides, they allow for greater employee involvement in decision-making processes, resulting in better-quality decisions and higher employee satisfaction.

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