Miguel Teheran
What is virtualization in Blazor for?

Virtualization is an amazing feature in blazor that solve some important problems in Blazor App. What are those problems resolved by Virtualization?

By Miguel Teheran in .NET on Oct 07 2021
  • Mukesh Nailwal
    Nov, 2021 1

    Virtualization helps in processing and rendering the items that are in the content viewport (visible on the page). This technique can be helful in dealing with large amounts of data as it is helpful in a case where it takes times to process all the data and displaying the result.

    I hope it helps.


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  • Miguel Teheran
    Oct, 2021 7

    It is very useful when you have a grid with many records https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/blazor/components/virtualization?view=aspnetcore-5.0

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