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Learn Action and Func Delegates in C#
6/19/2024 11:51:33 AM.
Learn about Action and Func delegates in C# to master delegate usage for different scenarios. Action delegates are for methods that return void, while Func delegates handle methods with return values.
What is Delegates in C#?
1/3/2024 7:50:45 AM.
Explore the power of delegates in C#, providing type-safe function pointers for indirect method invocation. Learn declaration, initialization, characteristics, and use cases for enhanced code flexibil
Learning The Basics Of Delegates In C#
10/25/2023 11:27:55 AM.
Delegates are a type that reference a Method. When it is assigned by a method it behaves exactly the same as that method. It can be used as parameters and can be returned as a value. So it has same wh
Learning Delegates In C#
9/12/2023 10:45:45 AM.
There is this thing in C# called a delegate, which is going to be crucial to build interactions between our objects. What’s a delegate, you ask? Good question. A delegate is a pointer to a method.
Custom Events And Delegates
9/12/2023 10:44:06 AM.
Custom events and delegates are fundamental concepts in modern programming languages like C#. They provide a powerful mechanism for implementing the observer pattern, enabling objects to communicate a
Delegates in C#
9/5/2023 10:00:22 AM.
This article is introducing a new reference type, delegate. A delegate is a C# language element that allows programmers to reference a method for their development work.
Understanding C# Delegates
8/14/2023 7:36:37 AM.
Delegates in C# are a powerful feature that allow you to encapsulate a reference to a method inside a delegate object.
Learn Delegates In C#
2/19/2023 6:28:44 PM.
Delegate in C# is a type that allows methods to be passed as parameters. Learn how to work and implement delegates in your C# app to define callback methods and return parameters.
C# In Practice - Building Tech Support App
12/1/2022 10:25:39 AM.
In this article, you will learn about simple app building for beginners in C#.
A Strategy for Using Delegates in C#
11/17/2022 6:52:27 AM.
In a recent article comment I was asked for a sample of how to use a delegate and so I wanted to put together a sample of how we can use delegates in order to implement a strategy pattern in a way tha
Delegates Simplified
11/17/2022 6:33:02 AM.
Delegates encapsulate and pass methods as parameters to other methods. A delegate can encapsulate a named or an anonymous method. You’re most likely to use a delegate in events or callbacks.
C# Delegates In Practice - Implementing Observer Pattern With Delegates
10/31/2022 5:32:13 AM.
In this article, you will learn about C# Delegates In Practice - Implementing The Observer Pattern with Delegates.
Using Delegates in ASP.NET
3/2/2021 9:33:46 AM.
Delegates have always been a useful concept introduced in the .Net framework, but because of the difficulty of implementation, first-time developers might find it difficult to implement delegates in .
How Delegates Work In C#
11/22/2019 2:58:18 AM.
Learn everything you need to know to understand and work with delegates in C#. The video explains how delegates allow you to implement the strategy design pattern in a .NET idiomatic way.
An Overview of Delegate In C#
1/17/2019 8:43:33 AM.
In this piece of content, we will learn about delegates in C# programming. Delegate is one of the most common and the most useful concepts and every developer must have the basic knowledge of delegate
Delegate in C#
10/25/2018 6:05:03 AM.
In this article, I am trying to explain delegates in an easy to understand way, hopefully after going through this article, you will feel comfortable using delegates and answering any questions relate
Understanding Delegates In C#
1/5/2016 12:18:17 AM.
In this article you will learn about understanding delegates in C#.
Delegates Make Confusion (Where to use) In C#
11/27/2015 10:10:41 AM.
In this article you will learn about Delegates and where to use them in C#.
Action And Func Delegates In C#
10/6/2015 9:17:30 AM.
In this article you will learn about Action and Func Delegates in C#. Both of them are generic delegates, which means that you can assign both anonymous methods and lambda expression to them.
Delegates In C#
10/1/2015 1:55:51 AM.
In this article we will try to understand what is delegate and how to use it.
Video: .NET Delegates (in Hindi) - Part 2
3/16/2015 5:50:09 AM.
The second part of a lecture in Hindi on using delegates with C#.
Video: .NET Delegates (in Hindi) - Part 1
3/5/2015 3:51:24 AM.
The first part of a lecture in Hindi on using delegates with C#.
Delegates in C# Language
2/26/2015 5:24:02 PM.
In this article you will learn about C# Delegates.
Delegate Basics in C#
2/12/2015 1:37:44 AM.
The article will explain the basics of delegates. How delegates are initialized and how they work.
Generic Delegates in C#
1/1/2015 12:24:34 AM.
In this article you will learn about Generic Delegates in C#.
A Journey to Lambda
7/1/2014 4:34:31 PM.
In this article we will learn about delegates with examples in C#.
Using Delegates in C#
5/20/2013 2:08:15 PM.
In this article you will learn about what Delegates are and how to use them in C#.
Co-variance Delegates in .NET
10/24/2012 11:11:15 PM.
Today, in this article let’s play around with one of the interesting and most useful concepts in C#.
Delegate in .NET (C#): Digging / Acquaint - Make it Simple
7/18/2011 12:05:18 AM.
A delegate is an object or instance which can hold a reference of any function or which can bind a function.
Exploring delegates in C#
6/5/2007 7:12:51 AM.
Delegates are a kind of type safe function pointers which are actually declared as class derived from System.MulticastDelegate.