Related resources for Client Activated
  • Chat Server and Client in C# Using Remoting Technology5/6/2024 11:24:23 AM. This application is a simple Chat server and Client, which is conversion of Java RMI chat server and client. The Java client was a Applet and present application client in Windows Forms.
  • .NET Remoting5/1/2024 10:59:12 AM. .NET Remoting facilitates communication between .NET objects in different application domains or processes across a network. It provides a versatile mechanism for remote procedure calls, supporting va
  • Distributed Computing Using .NET Remoting4/30/2024 10:47:27 AM. AppDomain is an isolated environment for executing Managed code. Objects within same AppDomain are considered as local whereas object in a different AppDomain is called Remote object.
  • Chat Server and Client in C# Using Remoting Technolgy12/27/2005 6:50:46 AM. The application is a simple Chat server and Client, which is conversion of Java RMI chat server and client. The Java client was a Applet and present application client in WinForm.