Related resources for object in c#
  • Creating Dynamic Object With Dynamic Feature in C#4/26/2022 10:11:55 AM. There were new features introduced in .Net 4.0 and one of the awesome features was addition of System.Dynamic in the framework library.
  • Create Value Object In C#9/28/2017 12:32:38 AM. Create a class that abstracts away (encapsulate) ‘data’ in your domain and provide methods to work on it. Below is a class I don’t consider a good Value Object.
  • Illustrates the use of the lock in multithreading application8/17/2006 2:10:26 AM. Any application must have one or more processes. A Process is structural unit with a memory block and using some set of resources. For each executable, the Windows operating system creates some isolated memory block. This article tries to explain the use of lock basics of Multithreading in C# .Net.