Related resources for proxy object
  • Remoting in C#6/4/2024 9:46:59 AM. Explore Remoting, a CLR framework enabling developers to build distributed apps and network services. Learn about key features like Object Passing, Proxy Objects, and more. Follow a simple client/serv
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  • Working With Change Tracking Proxy in Entity Framework 6.05/17/2024 10:21:30 AM. In this article, you will learn about Proxy Objects, ObjectStateManager, and EntityState to leverage advanced tracking features for data manipulation and performance optimization in your .NET applicat
  • Using The Proxy Pattern In C#5/7/2024 10:20:16 AM. Explore the Proxy Pattern in C#, a structural design pattern facilitating controlled access to an object. Enhance security, logging, and lazy initialization for efficient client-server communication a
  • Remoting Calls Recommendation1/3/2006 2:00:52 AM. The goal of this article is not to describe remoting technology in details. It is more focused at the practical design and implementation mistakes development process concerning garbage collection and performance.