Related resources for Relay.
  • ICommand Interface In MVVM6/16/2020 5:37:56 AM. RelayCommand is a widely used concept in WPF-MVVM, One must understand it's behavior. In this article, we will learn it's implementation & behavior.
  • Working With Bluetooth And Relay Module4/28/2020 12:04:15 AM. In this article, we are going to see how to work with Bluetooth module with relay and Arduino to produce a wireless mobile controlled light.
  • Control AC Light Using Relay With Arduino Mega 25604/26/2020 11:39:46 PM. In this article, you will learn how to control AC Light using relay with Arduino Mega 2560.
  • Braille Language Using Arduino4/22/2020 4:14:02 AM. In this article, I have explained the concept of creating a Braille language code for blind people, using Arduino UNO R3.
  • Using Relay In Intel Galileo4/16/2020 12:07:25 AM. In this article I will show you how to use the relay switch in Intel Galileo for ON and OFF lights.
  • WPF MVVM Pattern: A Simple Tutorial for Absolute Beginners5/21/2019 4:14:50 AM. After some research I cracked the very basic steps in MVVM pattern, and then trying to write MVVM tutorials for absolute beginners.
  • Overview Of Azure Service Bus - Relay10/30/2018 8:44:20 AM. This article explains about Azure Service Bus - Relay which has two entities Hybrid Connection and WCF Relay.
  • Understanding Azure Relay3/6/2017 7:11:29 AM. This article lays good foundation to developers who are looking out to start working on Azure Relay. I have explained the underlying concepts and details about Azure Relay and its classification - WCF
  • Braille Language In Raspberry Pi Using C# With Visual Studio2/12/2017 1:15:20 PM. Here, I have shared the concept of implementing the Braille language using Raspberry Pi with the help of C# programming. This will help blind people to learn English.
  • Windows Azure Service Bus4/19/2016 10:44:56 AM. In this article you will learn about Windows Azure Service Bus. With Azure Service Bus you can build cloud scale applications for the enterprise.
  • ICommand and RelayCommand in WPF5/28/2015 10:13:57 PM. This article provides a basic overview of commands in WPF. Here ICommand RelayCommand will be discussed.
  • Relay Email Using Your Gmail Account9/19/2012 12:10:29 PM. This article describes a quick and easy way to test your email messages by relaying them through your existing Gmail account.