Related resources for TCPListener
  • A Simple Multi-threaded TCP/UDP Server and Client V2.1/31/2007 4:07:15 AM. This is the second version of my client/server program. The server and the client can be run on the same machine or on different machines. The following is the brief description of the server and the client programs specifically.
  • TCP/IPLib Sample12/27/2005 6:03:15 AM. This compopnent contains both a TCP/IP server and client. TcpIpClient inherits from System.Net.Sockets.TCPClient and is very straight forward. After construction, specifying the host and port, a network connection is established by calling Connect(). Internally, upon a successful connection, the client receives a TcpIpPacket, which contains a unique cookie that is used in any subsequent transactions.