Related resources for XmlDocument
  • Generic 'T, K' Database Component11/26/2020 12:08:25 AM. I have written a C# 2.0 (Visual Studio 2005), Generic <T, K> Database component, The component has simplified the architecture and the implementation by allowing me to keep the number of overlo
  • Methods For Transforming Data To A XML File11/25/2020 11:45:42 PM. This articles mentions different ways to tranform data to XML file.
  • Revised Generic 'T, K' Database Component11/25/2020 11:26:55 PM. This is the code behind the Generic 'T, K' Database Component.
  • Understanding the DOM Implementation10/29/2020 5:46:37 AM. In this article I will explain you about DOM implementation in C# and .NET.
  • XML Read & Update Operations5/21/2020 1:07:01 AM. Using this article you can learn how to read each XML node value & how to update that value in the original XML file...
  • Reading XML File using XmlDocument5/30/2019 5:53:21 AM. In this article Reading XML File using XmlDocument.
  • Read XML Data With Namespce Using XmlDocument12/21/2015 3:35:39 AM. This article describes how to read XML data using XmlDocument when xml contains Namespace.
  • JSON-P With ASP.Net Webapi8/13/2014 4:47:16 PM. In this article we will see how to wrap up the JSON output from the WEB API in a wrapper, often called padding.
  • Copying XML Documents Using C#6/9/2013 11:28:19 AM. How to copy one XML file from one location to another with a different file name.
  • Display an XML file to Console in C#6/6/2013 11:50:36 PM. How to load an XML file and display it to System Console using C#
  • Creating XML in Silverlight4/15/2013 9:30:35 AM. This article shows how to create XML in Silverlight, in a rather simple way.
  • Reading XML Files using XmlDocument in VB.NET12/1/2012 2:45:27 AM. In this article, I will show you how to read XML files in VB.NET using XmlDocument class and its members.
  • Simple XML Parser in VB.NET12/1/2012 2:02:12 AM. This article shows how to create a very simple XML parser.
  • Flat File Parsed to XML Using C#9/29/2012 6:03:31 AM. I ran across an interesting problem today where I had to parse a flat file (csv or tab delimited) into an xml document. The solution I arrived at is flexible enough for reuse so I though I'd share the library along with some of my development notes.
  • Performance Comparison of XslTransform Inputs5/20/2012 7:30:35 AM. To transform XML into HTML for use on a Web site or to transform it into a document that contains only the fields required you could use the XSLTransform class (found in the System.Xml.Xsl namespace).
  • Reading and Wtiting XML Documents5/20/2012 7:12:44 AM. In this article you will see how to read and write XML documents using XML API available in .NET Framework class library.
  • Xml - A Simple Database5/20/2012 6:34:11 AM. Xml can be used for different purposes. But in my programming life, I used it as database alone. I feel very comfortable while using xml as data store for my application, due to its simple structure.
  • Working With XML in C#5/20/2012 5:50:38 AM. In this article we see how to perform operation in a XML file using C#.
  • XMLDocument (DOM) and XDocument (LINQ)1/20/2011 2:07:00 PM. Before LINQ to XML we were used XMLDocument for manipulations in XML like adding attributes, elements and so on. Now LINQ to XML uses XDocument for the same kind of thing. Syntaxes are much easier than XMLDocument and it requires a minimal amount of code.
  • XML TreeView1/24/2006 4:58:31 AM. My goal was to be able to reflect any Xml file into the Windows Forms TreeView control.
  • Performance Comparison of XslTransform Inputs1/3/2006 5:04:53 AM. To transform XML into HTML for use on a Web site or to transform it into a document that contains only the fields required you could use the XSLTransform class (found in the System.Xml.Xsl namespace).
  • Creating Graphics with XML12/26/2005 5:46:26 AM. This article shows how to create images on the fly and uses XML to specify the properties of the images.
  • Sokoban Pro Game in C#12/24/2005 6:20:33 AM. Sokoban Pro is a modern version of the classic Sokoban puzzle game. The game rules are extremely simple, yet the game is very challenging and addictive. The rule of the game is to move all the boxes in the right places. You can only push a box, not pull.
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