Related resources for XPathNavigator
  • Creating MS Word Document using C#, XML and XSLT3/29/2022 9:56:05 AM. This simple program demostrate how to create well formatted MS Word documents using C#, XML and XSLT. Using XSLT to create Word documents requires the knowledge of RTF key words.
  • Viewing and Writing XML Data using ADO.NET DataSets9/29/2012 6:41:52 AM. Based on a real world project this article shows how to handle XML data in .NET using C# DataSets and DataViews.
  • .NET Beta 2 and Navigation in XML Documents9/29/2012 6:27:36 AM. .NET Beta 2 was released yesterday at tech-ed, 2001, Atlanta. Many things have been changed in Beta 2 since Beta 1. In this article, I'll cover changes in XmlNavigator class replaced with XPathNavigator.
  • Transformation and XSLT5/20/2012 6:26:25 AM. In this article I will explain you about Transformation and XSLT.
  • Performance Comparison of XslTransform Inputs1/3/2006 5:04:53 AM. To transform XML into HTML for use on a Web site or to transform it into a document that contains only the fields required you could use the XSLTransform class (found in the System.Xml.Xsl namespace).