Chapter 6: Memory Corruption Part II - Heaps

Posted by Addison Wesley Free Book | C# Language November 16, 2009
This chapter discusses a myriad of stability issues that can surface in an application when the heap is used in a nonconventional fashion. Although the stack and the heap are managed very differently in Windows, the process by which we analyze stack- and heap-related problems is the same.

Front End Allocator

The front end allocator is an abstract optimization layer for the back end allocator. By allowing different types of front end allocators, applications with different memory needs can choose the appropriate allocator. For example, applications that expect small bursts of allocations might prefer to use the low fragmentation front end allocator to avoid fragmentation. Two different front end allocators are available in Windows:

  • Look aside list (LAL) front end allocator
  • Low fragmentation (LF) front end allocator

With the exception of Windows Vista, all Windows versions use a LAL front end allocator by default. In Windows Vista, a design decision was made to switch over to the LF front end allocator by default. The look aside list is nothing more than a table of 128 singly linked lists. Each singly linked list in the table contains free heap blocks of a specific size starting at 16 bytes. The size of each heap block includes 8 bytes of heap block metadata used to manage the block. For example, if an allocation request of 24 bytes arrived at the front end allocator, the front end allocator would look for free blocks of size 32 bytes (24 user-requested bytes + 8 bytes of metadata). Because all heap blocks require 8 bytes of metadata, the smallest sized block that can be returned to the caller is 16 bytes; hence, the front end allocator does not use table index 1, which corresponds to free blocks of size 8 bytes.

Subsequently, each index represents free heap blocks, where the size of the heap block is the size of the previous index plus 8. The last index (127) contains free heap blocks of size 1024 bytes. When an application frees a block of memory, the heap manager marks the allocation as free and puts the allocation on the front end allocator's look aside list (in the appropriate index). The next time a block of memory of that size is requested, the front end allocator checks to see if a block of memory of the requested size is available and if so, returns the heap block to the user. It goes without saying that satisfying allocations via the look aside list is by far the fastest way to allocate memory. Let's take a look at a hypothetical example. Imagine that the state of the LAL is as depicted in Figure 6.3.

Figure 6.3 Hypothetical state of the look aside list

The LAL in Figure 6.3 indicates that there are 3 heap blocks of size 16 (out of which 8 bytes is available to the caller) available at index 1 and two blocks of size 32 (out of which 24 bytes are available to the caller) at index 3. When we try to allocate a block of size 24, the heap manager knows to look at index 3 by adding 8 to the requested block size (accounting for the size of the metadata) and dividing by 8 and subtracting 1 (zero-based table). The linked list positioned at index 3 contains two available heap blocks. The heap manager simply removes the first one in the list and returns the allocation to the caller.

If we try allocating a block of size 16, the heap manager would notice that the index corresponding to size 16 (16+8/8-1=2) is an empty list, and hence the allocating cannot be satisfied from the LAL. The allocation request now continues its travels and is forwarded to the back end allocator for further processing.

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