How to upload a Custom List Template, using the PowerShell?

In this blog, let us discuss how to upload a custom list template and about creating a list based on this custom template, in SharePoint 2013, using PowerShell.

# Adding the PowerShell Snapin
# Get the SiteURL
= get-spsite("http://SiteCollectionURL/")
# Get the root web
= $site.RootWeb
# Get the list template gallery
= $web.getfolder("List Template Gallery")
# Get the list template gallery Collection
= $spLTG.files
# Get the custom list template file
= get-item "C:\Custom_list_template.stp"
# Add the custom list template file to gallery
$spcollection.Add("_catalogs/lt/Custom_list_template.stp", $Templatefile.OpenRead(), $true)
"Custom Template Uploaded to List Template Gallery Successfully"
“Creating the List based on the Template”
# Get the custom list templates
= $site.GetCustomListTemplates($web)
#Create the custom list using template
$web.Lists.Add("Custom_list", "Custom list", $CustomlistTemplates["Custom_list_template"])
"Based on the template List Created