What makes us different...

Human being is a communicator in a way of no other animals can. Sometimes I wish I had more senses like other animals, but I feel lucky to be able to talk and discuss...

Why did I say all that here, in C#? Because I believe everyone should try their best to be in the group of one or another to survive. Even if you have your own group, stay touch with others and continuously refresh your members the healthiest way... of course without loosing it all... What makes you loose all your members in your group? If you don't have communication with other groups.

Many moons ago, at the time some of you even weren't in the first grade, I started my Internet journey with around 10-20 domain names, couple of servers at home. In The "bubble" years (I kind of feel responsible as a part of the Internet bubble) I was very excited about the Internet and even though didn't know much about coding and all, I started to reach out to the other enthusiasts and exchange information and links. Because of what was going on in my personal life, it kind of melted down over the years until now, when I started something good again: Learning C# and starting a domain to help others.

I am not a greedy person, I like to communicate and have my own group, either with members or visitors... I do take advantage of learning and sharing the most, like I am doing here with my blogs and articles. But this time when I started to request exchange links to the other websites, I got very cold reaction to start with, which I am not used to. Because there are many websites out there about C# or any other subjects, people are afraid of loosing whatever they have already... or they think they have enough and decide not to communicate with other groups.

C-sharpcorner will be one of my best places that I will continue to interact and participate. Even I have my domain about C#, and I will build my own group, more or less, it does not mean I will stop checking out the other sites, and talk to the other groups and their starters... it's healthy thing to do... and I don't think I can provide everything, just like the others can't  

Happy coding.