Practical Approach of Converting JSON String to Object and ViceVesra using JavascriptSerializer c#

Advantage of using it:

  1. Convert JSON string to Object.
  2. Convert Object to JSON String.
  3. It is used in AJAX.
  4. Provide help to web service to work with client application.
  5. Helps to connect the web Service with JavaScript.

Steps to be followed to Serialize and DeSerialze JSON String:

Step 1: Used Namespace:

using System;
using System.Text;
using System.Web.Script.Serialization;

Step 2: Used Class for Demo:

    public class College
        public string CollegeName;
        public int CollegeRank;
    public class Student
        public College CollegeInfo;
        public string Name;
        public int Rank;

Step 3: Example JSON String:

    string example = "{\"CollegeInfo\":{\"CollegeName\":\"VelTech\",\"CollegeRank\":\"10\"}," +

Step 4: Creating Instance of JavaScriptSerializer

JavaScriptSerializer serializer = new JavaScriptSerializer();

Step 5: DeSerializing the JSON String

    // Deserialize
    Student student = serializer.Deserialize<Student>(example);

Step 6: Displaying the DeSerialized String by adding to String Builder and shown in Label

    //Adding College info into the StringBuilder and assigned to Label.
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    sb.Append("CollegeInfo = (" + student.CollegeInfo.CollegeName + ", " +
    student.CollegeInfo.CollegeRank + ")" + "<br/>");
    sb.Append("Name = " + student.Name);
    litDeserialization.Text = sb.ToString();

Step 7: Serializing Student Object back to JSON String.

    // Serialize
    string jsonString = serializer.Serialize(student);

Step 8: Displaying the Serialized string in Lable

    //Assigning JSON string to Label.
    litSerialization.Text = jsonString;

Step 9: Output for Deserializing the JSON String


Step 10: Output for serializing the Student Object


Download the Source code and edit the class and check the output, so it helps to make you understand clearly, how the class converts to JSON string.

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