jinith joseph

jinith joseph

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Dynamic References to Dictionaries

Jun 7 2013 4:11 PM

 I was having trouble finding a method to split one of my application that require extensive mapping between an input value and corresponding target.

I was using dictionary for this purpose. My dictionaries are getting really big that it might have nearly 200+ values. The dictionary mapping is the core to the application and each entry take time to be framed.

I was thinking to split it up into various pieces like :
Dictionary_3 and so on... and categorize the mapping data per requirement.

But the module to read from this dictionaries can be just one due to some constraints. Is there a way to read the values by passing the Keys to the corresponding dictionaries in a loop ?
like : for( i= 1 ; i < requirementsCount ; i ++ )
                var data = (Dictionary("dictionary_"+i))[keyvalue];

Please advice if you have better thoughts.

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