Advice in choosing cloud computing service needed

Mar 30 2014 9:45 AM

Hello, I don’t want to bore You, so I’ll get right to the point. I’m currently doing some research outside my home, so I use my notebook a lot and I have a problem with data storage. I’ve got a second computer (laptop) at home, but it’s too big and heavy to carry it everyday, so I have to work on two computers and managing and combining files after visiting a library is making me crazy! I want to store my files and data in a cloud, so I need a capacious (3-5 GBytes) but not very expensiveone because my projects are quite big. I used dropbox but I had some problems with accessing bigger files. Recently my friend googled comzetta, but the page say something about a “virtual computer” and I don’t know what does it even mean and is it really so useful? I do chemistry projects using Dream Spark software.