An Open Source Project: R-OnLine File Management System

In R-OnLine File Management System user can View, Upload, Comment, Manage Files and much more...

The following is the DFD of my project:

                                                                           Image 1.

Here in this project, I am using SQL Server as the database. The following is my table details:

  1. tbl_User

    table design
                                        Image 2.

  2. ManageFile

                                        Image 3.

  3. FileComment

                                           Image 4.

I will now explain my project page by page.

Launch the application: Login.aspx

Here I have 2 types of users in my project.
  1. User
  2. Admin

Here, I login as the admin user. You can see the User_Type column in the tbl_user data table to identify the user.

login as admin user
                                                                    Image 5.

an open source project
                                                                        Image 6.

Click on the Admin link. Here the admin can manage the users and files.

Admin Link
                                                                        Image 7.

Click on the Manage Users link. Here the admin can view the entire users list, add a new user and delete an existing user.

Manage Users link
                                                                        Image 8.

Now in the ADMIN-> Manage Files Page:

Manage Files Page
                                                                      Image 9.

Login as a simple user:

Login As Simple User
                                                                  Image 10.

my account
                                                                        Image 11.

Now, click on Manage Files. (You can Upload, View your Files, View All Files, Get File Details, Download and Delete your own uploaded files from here.)

Manage Files
                                                                    Image 12.

Now click on View.

Click on View
                                                                        Image 13.

From this screen the user can view file details, post file comments, open a file, download a file and do much more.

The following is my database diagram structure:

Data Base diagram
                                                                        Image 14.

On the base of data in the tbl_user table, I am identifying whether the login user is ADMIN or a simple user. See the following data.

Simple user
                                                                        Image 15.

I have copied the DB in the App_Data folder.

copied DB
                                                                        Image 16.

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