Fuligginedialogs in C#


How many times have you used the instruction: MessageBox.Show();? Well, in this article is explained how we can expand this feature of the framework for an immediate use of this function.

The Namespace

First of all I divided the main namespace in three parts:

Fuliggine.Dialogs.Embedded; Embedded Dialogs like zoom form or find form
Fuliggine.Dialogs.Static; Static dialogs like message box
Fuliggine.Dialogs.Dinamic; Costumizable dialogs (not yet implemented)




Firs of all add the following references:

using Fuliggine;
using Fuliggine.Dialogs.Static;
using Fuliggine.Dialogs.Embedded;

To call a static dialog you need:

//Do a question
FuliggineBox.ShowQuestion("Sei Allergico al Gatto?");
//notify error
FuliggineBox.ShowError("Sei Allergico al Gatto.","ATTENTO");
//Show integer
int i= 15;
//Show an object or somelese unknown
FuliggineBox.ShowObject("Comments to print",this);

To see all the way to call those methods look at the code source. To call a embedded dialog you need to:

ZoomForm zf = new ZoomForm();






Source Code

For the FuliggineBox I declared a static class where I called the method MessageBox.Show. With this we can use custom message calling FuliggineBox.ShowQuestion("???"); instead of

MessageBox.Show( Text ,"Question",MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question,MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1);

public class FuliggineBox



          //Fuliggine Question


          public static DialogResult ShowQuestion(string Text)



                   MessageBox.Show( Text ,"Question",MessageBoxButtons.YesNo,




For the embedded dialogs I used a Form that's equipped with all the needed controls, and properties. For example I am showing the code for the propertyDialog:

  1. I made a class derived from a Form.
  2. I placed the propertycontrol in the "form".
  3. I added a property called "Selectedobject".

namespace Fuliggine.Dialogs.Embedded


public class ControlPropertyForm : System.Windows.Forms.Form


          private System.Windows.Forms.PropertyGrid propertyGrid1;

          //this property must be set before call(...to show somethings)

          public object Selectedobject


                   get{return this.propertyGrid1.SelectedObject;}



          public ControlPropertyForm()



                   // The InitializeComponent() call is required for Windows Forms designer support.




          #region Windows Forms Designer generated code



And we will call this dialogs as:

pf.Selectedobject=this;//Or Someelse...

pf.Show();//Or ShowDialog

At the End...

In the future, I will expand the number of embedded dialogs adding -Font Dialog -Color Dialog - and every dialogs you need and I will add the left class Fuliggine.Dialogs.Dinamics.

Framework Problematics

This code is written under sharpdevelop with framework2. If you use a different compiler/version of framework, you only need to add the files in your solution and rebuild all.


If you want to see my other work please visit my home page: http://zeppaman.altervista.org

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