Hero Webpart In SharePoint Communication Site

In this article, I have explained how to create and use Hero webpart in SharePoint communication site template. You can go through the Overview of Communication Sites before continuing with this article.

Getting started with Hero webpart

Hero webpart displays the content of up to five tiles and layers.

Open SharePoint Online portal.

Create a communication site with “Blank” template.

Blank Layout – This design stays empty when chosen. Now, let's see how to create and use “Hero Webpart” in communication sites.


So now the site has been created and you are able to see a blank layout. Only navigation is visible on this page.
Click on the "Edit" button at the top right corner SharePoint

Click  "Add new section or a webpart".  SharePoint


The sections have been separated into one column, two column, three column, full width webpart, one third left column, and one third right column.

Here, I select the full width webpart. On this webpart we can add image gallery or Hero webpart.


Pick the Hero webpart.


Now, you can see the "Select link" to link up the pages, documents, and images inside your SharePoint communication sites.

In the pop up, click Upload.


After choosing the links from the set of images, click Publish.


SharePoint Click on the Edit button.          

You can now see the layout of Hero webpart.


By default, the Five Tiles option is selected but you are able to control how many images are needed to show in Tile View.

You can also view the contents in sets of layers with up to five items.

Now, select “Five Layers” -> Close the pop up.

Click Save – Publish.


So now, the left section is blank on all the five layers. Let’s go and add the title and description for each link.

Click on the "Edit" button on the each layer section.


You can also change the link and include different pages or documents into it. Provide the title and description of each link.


For Image thumbnail, you have two options.


  • Autoselect  - It chooses the preview image automatically based on the links, pages, and documents.
  • Custom Image - For this one, we have to choose the image we want to show.
  • Alternative Text - Provide the alternative text for the image.

Under "Options," we can provide the heading highlight for each link. It works nicely when displaying each layer with content.

You have options to hide or show the topic on the page.

The final one is the "Call to action" link.


I am going to enable the Call to action link and set the Call to action text to "read more".


Click Close and publish the page.

The Call to action link will be taken by default, you won’t need to change it. So finally, we got the output like this. I am just snipping one layer for this example.


Click on the "READ MORE" link.


Thanks for reading. In this article, we have covered the most interesting webparts and layouts in SharePoint communication sites.