darma teja

darma teja

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Add icon next to leafnode of asp Tree view

Oct 24 2017 2:52 PM
Here is my code like this:
  1. "trwStates" runat="server" ExpandDepth="0" ImageSet="XPFileExplorer" MaxDataBindDepth="3" OnSelectedNodeChanged="trwStates_selectednodechanged">  
  3. "...leaf.png" HorizontalPadding="5px" NodeSpacing="1px" />  
  4. "...parent.png"  HorizontalPadding="5px" NodeSpacing="1px" />  
  5. "...root.png" HorizontalPadding="5px" NodeSpacing="1px" />  
My final output on my page is:
[root.png] RootTest
            [parent.png] ParentText
                                 [leaf.png] leafText [I want to put Image here -only at leaf level]
I want to put an image at that point and fire a click event on that? I tried in google saw many pages but not helpful.
many thanks,