Aggregation Functions in QlikView


Aggregation functions are very important for QlikView applications. These type of functions can only be used within a field list for loadiing and used with group by clause statements. These functions can be used to formulate a calculation.

Types of aggregation functions

  • Basic aggregation functions
  • String  aggregation functions
  • Counter  aggregation functions
  • Advanced  aggregation functions

Basic aggregation functions

There are the following types of basic aggregation functions:

  • sum()
  • min()
  • max()
  • only()
  • mode()
  • firstsortedvalue()


This function returns a sum of expressions over a number of records as defined by a group by clause. If the distinct keyword occurs before the expression then all the duplicates will be discarded.




Load Month, sum(Sales) as SalesPerMonth
from abc.xls group by month;


This function returns the minimum value of an expression encountered over a number of records as defined by a group by clause. By default the rank is 1, which is corresponds to the lowest value. If the rank is 3 then the second lowest value will be returned. If the rank is 3 then the third lowest value will be returned and so on.


min( expression[, rank] )


Load Month, min(Sales) as SmallestSalePerMonth from abc.xls group by Month;
Load Month, min(Sales, 2) as SecondSmallestSalePerMonth from abc.xls group by Month;


This function returns the maximum value of an expression encountered over a number of records as defined by a group by clause. By default the rank is 1, which corresponds to the highest value. If the rank is 3 then the second highest value will be returned. If the rank is 3 then the third highest value will be returned and so on.


max( expression[, rank] )


Load Month, max(Sales) as HighestSalePerMonth from abc.xls group by Month;
Load Month, max(Sales, 2) as SecondHighestSalePerMonth from abc.xls group by Month;


If the expression is over a number of records and it is defined by a group by clause then it contains only one numeric value then only that value is returned otherwise  something else is returned.


only(expression )


Load Month, only(Price) as OnlyPriceSoldFor from abc.xls group by Month;


This functions returns the mode value, in other words the most common value of the expression over a number of records in the data as defined by a group by clause. If more than one value that is equally common occurs then the value is returned. The Mode function returns numeric values as well as text values.


mode(expression )


Load Month, mode( ErrorNumber ) as MostCommonErrorNumber from abc.xls group by Month;
Load Month, mode( Product ) as ProductMostOftenSold from abc.xls group by Month;


This function returns the first value of the expression sorted by corresponding sort-weight when the expression is executed over a number of records as defined by a group by clause. Sort-weight returns a numeric value where the lowest value will render the corresponding value of the expression to be sorted first.


firstsortedvalue ([ distinct ] expression [, sort-weight [, n ]])


Load Customer, firstsortedvalue(PurchasedArticle, OrderDate) as FirstProductBought from abc.xls group by Customer;

String Aggregation Functions

There are the following types of string aggregation functions:

  • MinString
  • MaxString
  • FirstValue
  • LastValue
  • Concat()


This string function returns the first text value of an expression over a number of records in business data as defined by a group by clause. If no text value is found, then value is returned.


MinString(expression )


Load Month, MinString(Month) as FirstSalesMonth from abc.xls group by year;


This string function returns the last text value of an expression over a number of records in business data as defined by a group by clause. If no text value is found, then value is returned.


MaxString(expression )


Load Month, MaxString(Month) as LastSalesMonth from abc.xls group by year;


This script function returns the first value in the load order of an expression over a number of records in business data as defined by a group by clause. If no text value is found, then value is returned. This function is only available as a script function.




Load City, FirstValue(Name), as FirstName from abc.xls group by City;


This script function returns the last value in the load order of an expression over a number of records in business data as defined by a group by clause. If no text value is found, then value is returned. This function is only available as a script function.




Load City, LastValue(Name), as LastName from abc.xls group by City;


This script functions returns the aggregated string concatenation of all values of an expression iterated over a number of records in business data as defined by a group by clause statement. In this script function each value is separated by the string found in a delimiter. The order of concatenation is by sort-weight. Sort-weight returns a numeric value where the lowest value is sorted first. If distinct occurs before the expression, all duplicates will be discarded.


concat ([ distinct ] expression [, delimiter [, sort-weight]])


Load Department, concat(Name,';') as NameList from abc.xls group by Department;

Counter Aggregation Functions

There are the following types of counter aggregation functions:

  • Count()
  • NumericCount()
  • TextCount()
  • NullCount()
  • MissingCount()


This function returns the count of an expression over a number of records in business data as defined by a group by clause. If the distinct occurs before the expression, all duplicates will be discarded.


count([distinct ] expression | * )


Load Month, count(Sales) as NumberOfSalesPerMonth from abc.xls group by Month;
Load Month, count(distinct Customer) as CustomerBuyingPerMonth from abc.xls group by Month;
LoadMonth, count(*) as NumberOfRecordsPerMonth from abc.xls group per Month;


This function returns the numeric count of an expression over a number of records as defined by a group by clause. If the distinct occurs before the expression, all duplicates will be discarded.


NumericCount([ distinct ] expression )


Load Month, NumericCount(Item) as NumberOfNumericItems from abc.xls group by Month;


This function returns the text count of an expression over a number of records as defined by a group by clause. If the distinct occurs before the expression, all duplicates will be discarded.


TextCount([ distinct ] expression )


Load Month, TextCount(Item) as NumberOfTextItems from abc.xls group by Month;


This function returns the null count of an expression over a number of records as defined by a group by clause. If the distinct occurs before the expression, all duplicates will be discarded.


NullCount([ distinct ] expression )


Load Month, NullCount(Item) as NumberOfNullItems from abc.xls group by Month;


This function returns the missing count of an expression over a number of records as defined by a group by clause. If the distinct occurs before the expression, all duplicates will be discarded.


MissingCount([ distinct ] expression )


Load Month, MissingCount(Item) as NumberOfMissingItems from abc.xls group by Month;

Advanced Aggregation function

The aggr function is known as an advanced aggregation function. This function returns a set of values expression calculated over dimensions. The result can be compared to the expression column of a chart, where the aggr function resides. Each  chart has a dimension. The dimension is a single field. The dimension is not considered as an expression. The expression is a calculated dimension.


aggr ([ distinct | nodistinct ] [{set_expression}]expression {,


aggr( sum(Sales), Country )
aggr( nodistinct sum(Sales), Country )
aggr( sum(Sales), Country, Region )
count( aggr( sum(Sales), Country ))


This article provides an introduction to aggregation functions in QlikView and also describes various types of aggregation functions. I hope this is beneficial for you when you calculate dimensions in a chart as an expression in QlikView.

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