Using Button Object To Access Web File Data in QlikView


This article describes how to load data from web files. Web file data are important for a QlikView application because by using a button object, we import only selected data from web files that you want. Only Excel or table file data will be imported successsfully.When we import data from web files then it is shown automatically in tabular form like Excel or CSV and so on. Web file data can be accessed anywhere. Web files data are used anywhere any time because when web file data is uploaded in a QlikView application, then it is saved as a QlikView file and the user uses it again and again. So we can say that there is the concept of code reusability in QlikView applications. In QlikView applications, there is the ability to access web file data anytime anywhere with a few clicks of buttons.

Features of web files

There are the following importances of web files data in QlikView application.

  • Restoring power
  • One click is all it takes
  • Access files anywhere

Restoring power

It is the main feature of web file data in a QlikView application because you can use the restore manager to transfer files to your computer in QlikView applications.

By one click is all it takes

By using the button object in QlikView applications, simply one click of the button and all the data can be accessed from web files. Import the web file one time and by a button click access it anytime and anywhere in the QlikView application.

Access files anywhere

It is the main feature of a web file because it is accessed anywhere.

Use the following procedure to create a sample showing how to load data from web files.

Step 1:
Open the QlikView application

In the first step you need to open the QlikView application then go to File-> New, then this window will be opened.

After clicking New option

Step 2:
Open Edit Script

The second step is open the edit script window from, File-> Edit Script.

window of edit script

  • Then this window will be opened.


Step 3: Click on web files

web files

In this step select the internet file option and paste the URL of the web file and click on the Next button.

local file

Step 4: File wizard type

Then this window will be opened. Here you can see the web file data import as a table file and click on the Finish button.

File wizard

Step 5: Code of edit script

Now, in the edit script the web file was uploaded successfully and reload it.


  1. LOAD Rank,   
  2.      [Country (or dependent territory)],   
  3.      Population,   
  4.      Date,   
  5.      [% of world population],   
  6.      Source  
  7. FROM  
  8. []  
  9. (html, codepage is 1252, embedded labels, table is @1);  
Step 6: Save file

The next step is to save our QlikView file.


save file

Step 7: Sheet property window

The sheet property window will be opened. In this window, table fields are shown as list boxes. You add fields that you want to display as a list box and click on the OK button.


Step 8: Main window

Then you will see this window. It is the main window of the QlikView application.

main window

Step 9: Select table

In the menu bar, there is an option for layout then click on layout and select the table box.

table box

Step 10: New table box

In this window we select fields for the table data and click on the Next button.


Now you can see the data will be uploaded from web files in tabular form.



This articles described how to load data from web files in a QlikView application.

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