Introducing Visual Studio Code


Installation Begins

There is now a new choice of code editor, Visual Studio Code, where one can build and debug modern web and cloud applications. It is free and available for Linux (I find this a good reason to give Linux a try as well :)), Mac OSX and Windows. Visual Studio Code is the first code editor and first cross-platform development tool supporting OSX, Linux and Windows in the Visual Studio family.

Get yourself started here:

First Start

Here are the features that made me feel like I should switch to it from Sublime Text as my basic Text Editor.

  • Fast Code Editor.
  • Navigation Sidebar.
  • Syntax highlighting.
  • Always-On Intellisense.
  • Code Refactoring.
  • Great tooling support for C#, ASP.NET, Node.JS, HTML, CSS, LESS, SASS and JSON and so on.
  • Easy Integration with Package Managers and Repositories (it understands git!).

The editor is composed of a faster version of an HTML-based editor that has powered the “Monaco” cloud editor, Internet Explorer's F12 Tools and other projects. So you can just hit F12 and you have a full-blown Google Chrome kind of developer tool that is readily available for you just in case you need to inspect some element or check for any error in the console.


Google Chrome like Developer Tools console

Nice Find/Replace window


It also offers you git features when you open a folder with git configuration available or simply, a git repository.

If you like Auto save feature of the code editors, you're gonna love it.


Visual Studio Code offers the following Auto Save feature:

VisualStudioCode_Command Pallete

The Command palette has all the relevant commands available for use.

The following is the current version info:

Beyond that, Intellisense works just great. Will be sharing more details on usage soon.

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