Deploying ASP.NET application using FTP

Visual Studio really makes it simple for deploying web applications.

In this article we are going to use FTP for deployment.


Hope you have a web application with multiple folders and dozens of file.  Selecting each item and uploading to the site is really tedious job.  We can simplify it by the following.


You should have the following:
  • FTP Server Name
  • Username and Password
  • Folder on server

Open the solution and right click on the web project and choose the option Publish.

You should see the following dialog window.

Click on the "..." button highlighted against the Target location item.

You will be prompted with the dialog box below.

Enter your Server name, Directory, Username and Password.

Uncheck the Anonymous Login checkbox.

After entering, click the Open button.  This will close the dialog box.

Now you can click Publish to do the deployment.

This will copy your website with the associated subfolder into the deployment server.

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