Get Cursor Location in jQuery


In this article, I explain how to get the cursor's location in jQuery.

First we download the file and then add it in our project; see:


Use the following procedure.

Step 1

Open Visual Studio 2012 and click "File" -> "New" -> "Web Site...". A window is opened. In this window, click "Empty Web Site" under Visual C#.

Give the name of your application as "Cursor_Location" and then click "Ok". Then add "HTML page" and write the following code.

Program Coding


<!DOCTYPE html>

<html xmlns="">



    <script src="jquery-1.8.2.js"></script>

  <script type="text/javascript">

      $(function ()


          $(document).mousemove(function (e)


             $('#lblXAxis').html("Cursor X Axis: "+e.pageX+"<br>")           



      $(function ()


          $(document).mousemove(function (e1)


             $('#lblYAxis').html("Cursor Y Axis: "+e1.pageY)           






<form id="form1" runat="server">

    <h3 style="color: #0000FF; font-size: x-large">Cursor Location in Jquery</h3>

    <input id="Button1" type="button" value="Mouseover for Get Cursor Location" />

    <br />

    <br />


<label id="lblXAxis" style="font-weight: bold; font-size: large" />


     <label id="lblYAxis" style="font-weight: bold; font-size: large" />







For more information, download the attached sample application.