Read CSV file using C#

I'm going to explain how extract data from CSV file using c#. First you have to declare two string variables and their properties for store directory and filename of CSV file which you want to extract data.

private string dirCSV;
private string fileNevCSV;

public string FileNevCSV
    get { return fileNevCSV; }
    set { fileNevCSV = value; }

public string dirCSV
    get { return dirCSV; }
    set { dirCSV = value; }

In the second step connect to the data source and fill it to the dataset.

public DataSet loadCVS(int noofrows)
    DataSet ds = new DataSet();
        // Creates and opens an ODBC connection
        string strConnString = "Driver={Microsoft Text Driver (*.txt; *.csv)};Dbq=" + this.dirCSV.Trim() +";Extensions=asc,csv,tab,txt;Persist Security Info=False";
        string sql_select;
        OdbcConnection conn;
        conn = new OdbcConnection(strConnString.Trim());

        //Creates the select command text
        if (noofrows == -1)
            sql_select = "select * from [" + this.FileNevCSV.Trim() + "]";
            sql_select = "select top " + noofrows + " * from [" + this.FileNevCSV.Trim() + "]";

        //Creates the data adapter
        OdbcDataAdapter obj_oledb_da = new OdbcDataAdapter(sql_select, conn);

        //Fills dataset with the records from CSV file
        obj_oledb_da.Fill(ds, "csv");

        //closes the connection
    catch (Exception e) //Error
    return ds;

In the third step extract data to DataTable from generated DataSet.

this.dirCSV = "file path";
this.fileNevCSV ="file name";
DataSet ds = loadCVS(-1);
DataTable table = ds.Tables[0];
foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows)
    //iterate through the DataTable.


Happy coding...

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