Let's see how to configure a managed metadata service application in SharePoint 2013.
Open SharePoint Central Administration.
Click on Manage service application.
Add users under the term store administrators and grant permission to create a term and term sets.
Click Save.
Click on new group.
Create a new group named books.
Click under the created group to create a new term set.
Enter SPAdmin as group manager permissions.
Now I will create a new term set under books.
Create a new group named "Books".
Create a term set named "SharePoint".
Create the terms:
SharePoint Developer
SharePoint Administrator
Now open a team site.
Create a Document Library.
Create a new column named Category → Column type: Managed Metadata.
Select your term set.
Now your Document Library looks like this:
Now upload a new document as in the following:
Click Save.
Now the created terms have been added to the documents.
Happy SharePoint.
Regards: Vinodh.N (Sharepoint Developer\Administrator)