How to Connect Team Project and Create a Test Plan Using Test Manager2010

How to connect your team project and create a test plan for manual testing using Microsoft Test Manager 2010?

Connect the team foundation server (TFS)

A. Go to Programs and click on Microsoft Visual Studio 2010
B. Click on Microsoft Test Manager 2010. The screen displays as below:


C. To add a new Team Foundation Server for the first time, type the URL or put the Server Name and click on Add through which you want to connect your project for testing.


D. Select any team project and click the "Connect Now " button which is used to develop under test and store the requirements and user stories.

Create the Test Plan for Manual Testing Using Test Manager 2010

To create a test plan it is very necessary to run the testing project successfully. Here I am explaining the steps for creation of a test plan for manual testing using Test Manager2010. Please go through the following steps:

  • To add a plan, click the Add button and the "Add test plan" dialog box is displayed:

  • Enter the plan name, and then click the Add button:

  • Your plan is now added to the list and highlighted:

  • Click on Change Project; the user can change the project and connect and add the different test plan.

How to Delete the Test Plan

Click on the X button; the user can delete the test plan.

Copy URL for Test Plan

It is optional to create a URL to allow other team members to connect to this plan; to do that click Copy URL for the plan.

That copies the URL to the plan. You can now paste this URL into an email and send it to others in your team so that they can easily connect to the plan.

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