Selectors in CSS

A selector is a key element of CSS. Everyone uses CSS selectors in their project's CSS knowingly or unknowingly.

To reset CSS we use:

  1. * { padding0margin0;} 

Here * is a selector that targets all elements. We use .classname or #idname that are also selectors that refers to an element with a specified classname or idname.

Attribute selectors

Using an Attribute selector we can easily target a specific element in our page without having Classes or IDs.

1. element[attr]: Selects an element having a specific attribute.


  1. a[name] {  
  3. color#F0F;  

In the above example, the font color green will be applied to all a tags having the name attribute.

2. element[attr=value]: Helps to select an element having a specified attribute and value.


  1. a[name="nav"]{  
  3. color#00F;  

In the above example, the font color #00F will be applied to the a tag having the attribute name=”nav”.

3. element[attr~=value]: Helps to target an element having a word or space separated word in an attribute value.


  1. a[name~="left"] {  
  3. color#0F0;  

In the above example, the color #0F0 will be applied to the a tag having the word “left” in the value. It can have name=”left”, name=”primary left” or name=”left top”. It will not apply to name=”lefttext” or name=”left-bottom”.

4. element[attr |= value]: Targets an element having a specified attribute starting with the specified value.


  1. a[name|="right"] {  
  3. color#f40;  

In the preceding example, color will be applied to the a tag having the name attribute that has a value starting with “right”. It considers name=”right-nav” but it won't consider name=”righttext” or name=”right_nav”.

5. element[attr^=value]: Refers to an element having a specified attribute starting with a specified value. It works in a similar way as the | selector, the only difference is that it considers an entire word without space.


  1. a[name^="text"] {  
  3. color#600;  

In the preceding example, font color will be applied to a tag having a specified attribute value starting with nav. It can have name=”text1” or name=”text-top” or name=”text_Content”.

6. element[attr $= value]: Selects an element whose attribute value ends with a specified value.


  1. a[name$="bottom"] {  
  3. color#0FF;  

In this example, the color blue will be applied to a tag having an attribute value ending with “bottom”. It can have values like “text-bottom”, “text_bottom” or “bottom” but it won't work for “bottom-text”.

7. element[attr *= value]: Selects an element having a specified attribute value. The value does not need to be an entire word, it also considers part of a word.


  1. a[name*="cont"] {  
  3. color#930;  

In this example, the color yellow will be applied to a tag having an attribute value that contains the word “left”. It consider values like name=”content”, name=”text_cont” or name=”continue”.


In my future article we will discuss more CSS3 features. Always feel free to share your suggestions or comments.