Create Sign Up Page In Blend 2015 Using ToolBar And Navigation

Hopefully you have set your IDE for Windows Universal Platform and also created a “Hello World” project. Now the time is to create a simple “Login/Registration Page” on Blend 2015 with the help of Tool Bar and use of a little Navigation feature. Follow the steps and you can create your own.

Create Project in Blend 2015

I hope you are aware of creating your own project in Blend 2015, however if you are not there is no need to worry. Simply activate the Blend 2015 from your taskbar and do the following steps.

  1. Select “Universal ” from the left pane shown in circle.
  2. Select “Blank App” from the template as shown in picture.
  3. Name your solution anything you want as I named it “Signup Page“.

Designer Window

In next phase, a designer window will open after you created your project following the above mentioned guidelines. Divide the task into two categories.

  1. Create Sign in
  2. Create Sign up

Sign in

In order to create a sign in, use your “Tool Box” and simply drag and drop the following tools from your tool box. Toolbox is shown with help of arrow, on left side of your designer window.

  1. Drag the “TextBlock” and Drop to “Designer Window” and name it “Sign In“.
  2. Drag the “TextBlock” again and drop now on left hand side ,as shown in picture , name it “Email“.
  3. Now drag the “TextBox“again and drop next to the “email text block“.
  4. Again drag the “TextBlock” and drop it under the “Email“, name it “password“.
  5. Now drag the “password” and drop it next to the password textblock.
  6. In the end , drag and drop the “submit“ button.

    Hint: The following image will help you out,

    Sign in

Create Sign Up

On the same designer window, now the time is to create a “SignUp page". Simple steps using tool box are:

  1. Drag the “Textblock” and drop under the submit button, name it ”SignUp“.
  2. Now select the “Textblock” and drop it under the “SignUp”, name it “First Name”.
  3. Again select the “TextBlock” and drop it under the ”First Name“, name it “Last Name“.
  4. Same process repeat for ”Email” and “Password”, just select the “TextBlock” and drop them.
  5. Now use “TextBox” in front of every “TextBlock” in SignUp, except for password.
  6. For password, select “password “and then drop it next to “password textblock.” image will give you the idea.
  7. Drag and drop the “button” in end, change content to “Sign Up“.

    Hint: Password will not be shown if you use that tool.

    Create Sign Up


Now after you created a simple “SignUp page”, we can use Navigation feature to move to next page. For instance when you press the sign up button, it will lead you to next page.

  1. Go to project.
  2. Select “add new item”.
  3. Select “Blank Page”.
  4. Name your page .
  5. For instance “Navigation”.


Creating Navigation

Once you add the page, and name it, simply drag and drop the textblock with the message “Congratulations your registration is complete” and button with the content “Go back registration page“.

Creating Navigation

Navigation States

There are two states, going forward and backward, so when you press the Sign Up button, it will navigate you forward to “Navigation.xaml” page and when you press go to registration page button, it will navigate you back on “Main Page”.

Navigation Forward

For the forward navigation:

  1. Double click the “Sign up” button.
  2. Select the sign shown in circle.
  3. Double click the click property.
  4. Notice the name of click property is “Button1_click“.

Navigation Forward

Navigation Code

When you double click “MainPage.xaml.cs ” file will open. Simply write these two lines of code and in this way you can navigate forward once you complete the registration page and press “Sign Up ” button. Intelligence will help you out. You can see “button1_click” and same name of function and click property.

Navigation Code

Navigation Backward

For backward navigation, go to your page “Navigation.xaml” and in same way double click the button:

  1. Select the button and double click on it.
  2. Select the button in circle shown in property window.
  3. Double click the content property as shown by arrow.
  4. Note that the name here is “button_click“.


Navigation Code

The “Navigtion.xaml.cs” file will open, simply write this code and tell the navigation about the page you want to go. When you press the button, in our case we again want to return to our main page so our code will be like this. Intelligence will help you out.



In a nutshell, we create a simple Sign up page using tool bar and use a little navigation to visit from one page to another.

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