How to Test Web Based Applications

Web Based applications

A Web Based application is an application that is fully dependent on the internet and works only when the internet is connected. It is an extension of client-server architecture where we host web-app in the server and the client uses web browsers to access the application. Now we will see how to test Web Based apps and what to test mainly in them.

Compatibility with various browsers

Compatibility with web browsers is important when we test a Web Application where clients will have browsers such as  Google Chrome, IE, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chromium and so on. The web application must support the functionality in all the browsers. There is a chance of 10% functionality bugs and 90% alignment, CSS, UI issues during this browser testing. This testing is called cross-browser testing.

Functional Testing

Functional Testing is also important because the application is built only to work depending on the client requirements. We need to test whether the application works and functions according to the user stories. There are some key points as I have said to check in the functional testing, they are:

  • Business logic
  • Calculations
  • Validations used
  • Respected link navigations
  • URL changes depending on the pages

A Web Application is meant for using only, so the usability of the application must be user friendly where the UI design should attract the clients and there must be proper navigations and the user should not feel it is hard to access the website.
  • There must be directions for all the functionalizes, search options.
  • The complete look and feel of the Web Application should look good.
  • The site must be responsive where all the menus must be aligned depending on the resolutions when you minimize the browser.
  • When the client opens in an iPad, tablet or mobile, the site must look responsive.


This is where testers should concentrate on validations of the following when the website is built.

  • Browsers and server
  • Hardware and software
  • Applications and data

Exception Handling

As a tester we must test with the exceptions case handled. During development or testing we won't get much feedback, but from the client we will be getting many bugs that even we testers would have gotten. So we must test it in all angles, whether appropriate error messages have been provided and users would not encounter any difficulties in any situation.


A high-end testing in a Web Application will be Security testing. The following are the key points in security testing.

  • Authentication, Login must be tested where no one can break them.
  • Authorization and access control must be validated properly.
  • If transactions functionality is been located in the Web Applications, then it's security must be tested 100% and there should not be any loop hole in the security.


Once the website is build with all the functionality, the performance and security among various users must be tested. The following are the two major testing types for this:

  • Load testing
  • Stress testing

Load Testing

We need to see the loading speed of the Web Application from one process to another process, the time taken to complete a single process and execution time. This all must be tested first with a single user and then with 100,1000, and so on users and this depends upon the room size of the clients.

Stress Testing

This is been tested where the load is been given beyond the limit so that we can see the efficiency of the server and application performance.

These days there are plenty of Web Applications in the new generation. There are many new technologies and functional designs built in the Web Application. So as a tester we must provide quality with the new technology built to the clients. Thus I have given a small overview of testing techniques for Web Applications.

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