Web View Control In Universal Window Application

Here are the steps:

  • Open your visual studio and create a universal window application project.
  • Name that project of your choice.
  • Click on Main Page.xmal and start your work.

Step 1: Add 2 rows and 2 columns in your design and code as shown below:

And design is shown below:

design is shown below

Step 2: Add a text box in row2 column1.

Add button in row2 column 2.

A code of it is shown below:
Add a text box
Design of it is shown below:

Design of it is shown below

Step 3: Add web view control in UWP.

There code is shown below:


And there design is shown below:


Step 4: Open Main page.xmal.cs and the function call of button. Code shown below:


Step 5:
After execution add url in textbox and click the button like that:


After the click you get your desired search


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