Traffic Layers Bing Maps in AJAX

In this article, we provide an example of Bing Maps In which we show the traffic in the map with the help of the Ajax Control 7.0 ISDK.

First we use a <div> for our map and set its Height and Width:

<div id='myFirstMap' style="position:relative; width:500px; height:500px;">

After that we use a Button; when we click on the Button the traffic will be shown in the map:

<input type="button" value="ShowTrafficLayer"/>

The Output will be:


After that now we write a function in the onload() method of the <body> tag:

<body onload="getMyMap();">

After that we write the function in JavaScript:

function getMyMap()
    map = new Microsoft.Maps.Map(document.getElementById('myFirstMap'),
    credentials: 'AjOB1Xgle3udoFVOVQB2-5Gfba7VETkypBPHd2RAfkKrkb29wX3e9frf3TwdSoU1'

Here we use the Bing Map Key as the credentials. And call the function LoadTrafficModule(). For this first we call this function:

function TrafficModule()
function setMyMapView()
    map.setView({zoom: 10, center: new Microsoft.Maps.Location(40.73, -73.98)})
function LoadTrafficModule()
    callback: TrafficModule });

After that we call the function on the Button Click to show the traffic layer:

<input type="button" value="ShowTrafficLayer" onclick="showTrafficLayer();" />

function showTrafficLayer()
    var MyTrafficLayer = new Microsoft.Maps.Traffic.TrafficLayer(map);;



We can also set the Opacity in the Traffic Layer in the Bing Maps.

For this, first we use a Button to show the Opacity:

<input type="button" value="OpacityTrafficLayer" onclick="OpacityInTrafficLayer();" />

After that, we will write the js function:

function OpacityInTrafficLayer()
    var tileLayer = trafficLayer.getTileLayer();
    tileLayer.setOptions( {opacity: 0.1} );

Here we set the opacity.



Complete program for Opacity:

    <title>Traffic Layer Opacity In Bing Maps</title>
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
    <script type="text/javascript" src="My.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">                var map = null; var trafficLayer; function TrafficModule() { SetMapView(); showTrafficLayer(); } function LoadTrafficModule() { Microsoft.Maps.loadModule('Microsoft.Maps.Traffic', { callback: TrafficModule }); } function SetMapView() { map.setView({ zoom: 10, center: new Microsoft.Maps.Location(40.73, -73.98) }) } function getMyMap() { map = new Microsoft.Maps.Map(document.getElementById('myFirstMap'), { credentials: 'AjOB1Xgle3udoFVOVQB2-5Gfba7VETkypBPHd2RAfkKrkb29wX3e9frf3TwdSoU1' }); LoadTrafficModule(); } function showTrafficLayer() { SetMapView(); trafficLayer = new Microsoft.Maps.Traffic.TrafficLayer(map);; } function OpacityInTrafficLayer() { var tileLayer = trafficLayer.getTileLayer(); tileLayer.setOptions({ opacity: 0.1 }); } </script
 <body onload="getMyMap();">
     <div id='myFirstMap' style="position: relative; width: 500px; height: 500px;">
     <input type="button" value="OpacityTrafficLayer" onclick="OpacityInTrafficLayer();"

     <div id='output'>


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