Year 2015 in Review

Year 2015 in review


A new journey started in 2015

A whole new journey began and a lot happened at the beginning of 2015. In February 2015, I got married, which is an important aspect of life. Now I have a great understanding of supporting a wife as my family. Then in April  I moved to he USA for a long-term assignment. So far I’m learning the culture of the USA and trying to connect with people in various ways (friends in the office, Local UGs, and online friends from Facebook/Twitter/LinkedIn).

Coming to the USA also gave me an opprotunity to meet my friends who live here. I met one of my old friends, Chris Ergle, with Mahesh and Menish during our C-sharpcorner chapter meet in NY. Later I got a chance to hang out with Jonathan J. Tower during his 48states project travel in NY. Later in 2015, I got a chance to visit Philadelphia forthe Azure cloud roadshow where I met Mahesh Chand and many other people from Microsoft. Specially, I met with Jeff Fritz for the first time. Most of all, my wife and I got an invitation from Mahesh to visit his house in Philly, and it was the first time I visited a friend’s home in the USA. Leaving our professional life behind, we spent a great weekend together.

Community contributions

Here is a glimpse of community contributions which I made via blogs/forums/Github: 


I wrote total of 21 posts including a series on securing WCF Http Rest services tutorial. Here is the blog posts list:

December (3)

November (2)

October (7)

September (2)

August (4)

July (2)

May (1)

January (1)

QnA Technical forums

I was contributing on stackoverflow passively in past years, but last year I actively participated in reviewing and answering questions on miscelleneous topics. Here are few stats

  • Answers(in 2015)- ~200
  • Reputation earned(in 2015) - ~2500

I also contribute actively on C-sharpcorner for articlesblogsnews and forums. Here’s my C-sharpcorner profile. Including contributions on MSDN, I have also started participating in open source contribution on Github and working on couple of repositories. One of them is an open source library WCFHttpBehaviorExtension which is available via Nuget package.


On the first day of 2016, I received an email from C-sharpcorner that I have been awarded Mindcracker MVP 4th time in a row. This was a great news to start a new year and another reason to stay motivated.

What Next (2016)

I will be continuing to practice DDDCQS and CQRS. These are the topics that I started with basics by reading various sources including books, articles, session recording s,and Google groups email listings. I have 3-4 unfinished readings of books from great authors (Eric EvansVaughn VernonMartin Fowler) that I plan to finish this year. 

Another resolution is to get expertise in an already known programming language (may be JavaScript) and learn the basics of a new programming language (may be python or similar Functional language).

I’ll continue writing and sharing my thoughts and findings on technology here on my blog and on C-sharpcorner. 

May be this year I’ll start writing a book (which is a great deal as you need a strict routine to follow to get steady progress). 
Good luck everyone and my readers for the year 2016. I hope everyone gets the best out of it.

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