A Deep Dive into .NET Logging: Serilog, log4net, and NLog


Logging is a fundamental aspect of software development. It provides invaluable insights into the behaviour of your application, helping you track down bugs, monitor performance, and understand how users interact with your software. In the .NET ecosystem, three prominent logging frameworks stand out: Serilog, log4net, and NLog. In this article, we'll delve into each of these frameworks, discussing their features and capabilities through detailed examples.

The Importance of Logging

Before diving into the details of these logging frameworks, let's first understand why logging is so important in software development:

  1. Debugging: Logs provide valuable insights into the behaviour of your application, helping you identify and diagnose issues.
  2. Monitoring: Logs allow you to monitor the health and performance of your application in production.
  3. Auditing: Logging can be used for auditing purposes, ensuring that sensitive actions are recorded for compliance and security.
  4. Analysis: Logs can be analyzed to gain insights into user behavior, error rates, and more.

Serilog: Structured Logging for .NET

Serilog is a popular logging library known for its focus on structured logging. It allows you to log events with structured data, making it easier to search, filter, and analyze log messages.

Example: Setting up Serilog

Install the Serilog package using NuGet:

Install-Package Serilog

Let's start with a basic example of configuring Serilog:

using Serilog;
using Serilog.Events;

class Program
    static void Main()
        Log.Logger = new LoggerConfiguration()
            .WriteTo.File("log.txt", rollingInterval: RollingInterval.Day)

        Log.Information("Hello, Serilog!");


In this example, we:

  • Set the minimum log level to Information.
  • Configure two log sinks: the console and a rolling log file.
  • Log an informational message.
  • Close and flush the log to ensure all messages are written.

log4net: The Time-Tested Logging Framework

log4net is a mature and widely adopted logging framework that follows the principles of the Apache log4j library. It offers flexibility and configurability, making it suitable for various logging scenarios.

Example: Setting up log4net

Install the log4net package using NuGet:

Install-Package log4net

Here's a basic example of configuring log4net:

using log4net;
using log4net.Config;
using System.Reflection;

class Program
    private static readonly ILog log = LogManager.GetLogger(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType);

    static void Main()

        log.Info("Hello, log4net!");

In this example, we:

  • Configure log4net using an XML configuration file.
  • Log an informational message.

log4net supports various appenders, allowing you to log to different output destinations like files, consoles, and databases.

NLog: High Performance Logging for .NET

NLog is known for its high performance and extensive configuration options. It provides a flexible and efficient logging infrastructure, making it suitable for demanding logging scenarios.

Example: Setting up NLog

Install the NLog package using NuGet:

Install-Package NLog

Let's look at a simple NLog configuration and usage example:

using NLog;

class Program
    private static readonly Logger logger = LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger();

    static void Main()
        logger.Info("Hello, NLog!");

In this example, we:

  • Use NLog's built-in configuration system.
  • Log an informational message.

NLog supports various targets, layouts, and routing rules, giving you fine-grained control over your logging configuration.

Choosing the Right Logging Framework

Choosing the appropriate logging framework for your project depends on your specific requirements and preferences:

  • Serilog is an excellent choice for structured logging and offers a wide range of output sinks and enrichers.
  • log4net is a mature and well-established framework, making it a solid choice for projects with existing log4net experience.
  • NLog excels in high-performance scenarios and provides extensive configuration options for complex logging needs.


When making your decision, consider factors like ease of use, community support, and your familiarity with the framework. Whichever logging library you choose, remember that effective logging is a crucial part of software development, helping you maintain and troubleshoot your applications with confidence.

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