Azure DevOps: Integrate Key Vault Secrets with Local Self-Hosted Agent


The article discusses the integration of Azure Key Vault secrets into Azure Pipelines using a Self-hosted Local Agent for enhanced security and efficiency in CI/CD processes. It emphasizes the importance of protecting sensitive information during development and introduces Azure Key Vault as a solution. The article guides users through configuring permissions, authentications, and service connections to seamlessly access secrets in pipelines. The use of Self-hosted Local Agents ensures control over the environment, contributing to a more secure and streamlined CI/CD workflow. Overall, the article provides a comprehensive step-by-step guide for implementing this integration to bolster the security of the development lifecycle.

First of all, you need to create & manage Azure DevOps organization and project. You can create it from this article Azure DevOps: Create Organization, Project, Commit .NET Solution

Now you have to create & manage Azure Key Vault for managing the roles and secrets. You can do this from this article Azure Key Vault Creation, RBAC Setup, User Addition, Secret Management

After creating the Key vault you need to manage the Access Policy.

Access Policies

Note. Key vault secret should have configured Access Policy because it does not allow Role Based Access Control (RBAC) as per Microsoft Documentation Key Vault secrets in Azure Pipelines.

Manage pipilines with Azure CLI

Permission model

Go to access policy

Access Policies

Allow permissions on the Key Vault

Create access policy

Select user

Select user


Now user has been added successfully

User added

I have placed a secret in the Key vault secrets

Key vault secrets

Now you need to go to Azure DevOps.

Azure DevOps

Select your organization and project

Organization and project

Select repository

Select repository

Select Library

Select Library

Create a variable group

Create a variable group

Fill in the required values

Select the subscription

Select the subscription

Authorize your self

Authorize your self

Select advance option

Select advance option

You can allow all pipelines to use this connection

Allow all pipelines to use this connection

Refresh for Key vault

Refresh for Key vault

if you get this error


Go to the Azure Key vault

Azure Key vault

Select the user and set secret permission as follows

Set secret permission

Review changes

Access Policies

Now go to Azure DevOps and Authorize again.

Azure DevOps

Now you will be able to see the secret in your Azure Key Vault Secret.

Azure Key Vault Secret

Secret has been added here

Azure Key Vault Secret.

Save it


Now go to the pipeline


Create new pipeline.

Create new pipeline

Select Git YAML

Select Git YAML

Select your project

Select your project

Default YAML will be shown here

Default YAML

Starter Pipeline

Review pipeline

You can copy and paste the YAML and change it.

  name: Default 

trigger: none 

- task: AzureKeyVault@2
    azureSubscription: 'Azure subscription 1 (1a08c2ff-c356-4cea-a713-6be9241bfeea)'
    KeyVaultName: 'keyvault-learn-with-aisf'
    SecretsFilter: '*'
    RunAsPreJob: false

- task: CmdLine@2
    script: 'echo $(mysecret) > secret.txt'

- task: CopyFiles@2
    Contents: secret.txt
    targetFolder: '$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)'

- task: PublishBuildArtifacts@1
    PathtoPublish: '$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)'
    ArtifactName: 'drop'
    publishLocation: 'Container'

Copy your Key vault name

Copy your Key vault name

Copy the secret name

Copy the secret name

Copy the subscription name

Copy the subscription name

Now place it in the YAML


Review your pipeline

Set up CI with Azure pipeline

Now job is executing.

Now job is executing.

If you get an error

If you get an error

Go to the project setting for configuring Self-Hosted Agent in the pool

configuring Self-Hosted Agent in the pool

Select Agent Pools

Select Agent Pools

Select Default

Select Default


Click to download the agent in your local environment.

Get the agent

Extract the folder

Extract the folder

Double-click on config.cmd file

 config.cmd file

Copy the URL as highlighted.

Project settings

Paste in the CMD and follow the steps.

Azure pipeline CMD


Go to the Azure DevOps portal and click on it to create a Personal Access Token.

Azure DevOps portal

Personal access token

New token

Copy the Personal Access Token here else you will not be able to see it again.


Paste the copied Personal Access Token into CMD

Personal Access Token into CMD

Register agent

Register agent

Work folder

configure autologon

Run agent for startup

Now double click on run.cmd


Listening for jobs

Now go to Azure DevOps Portal click on the Agent Pools and click on Default Agent then you can see that it is running and Online

Default Agent

Now go to pipeline and click on Edit

go to pipeline and click on Edit

Now edit the YAML file and change with the highlighted values.

Highlighted values

AzureDevOps Project

Azure DevOps project

If you see the highlighted line then view and permit

View and permit


Personal access

Azure Key vault

Now pipeline has been executed successfully

Executed successfully

Now you can see the pipeline execution details.

Azure DevOps project

Now go to the executed job and click on it

Executed job


Save the secret.txt.



Now you can see the secret value that was stored in Azure Key Vault

secret value


The article serves as a valuable resource for developers and DevOps teams seeking to fortify the security of their CI/CD pipelines. By seamlessly integrating Azure Key Vault secrets into Azure Pipelines through the use of Self-hosted Local Agents, the guide addresses the critical need for safeguarding sensitive information throughout the software development lifecycle. The step-by-step instructions, focusing on configuring permissions and establishing secure connections, empower users to implement a robust and efficient CI/CD workflow.

With the combined benefits of centralized secret management and enhanced control over the execution environment, the approach outlined in the article not only bolsters security measures but also contributes to a more streamlined and resilient development process. As organizations continue to prioritize security in their software delivery practices, the insights provided in this article offer a practical and effective solution for elevating the overall security posture of CI/CD pipelines in Azure DevOps.

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