Big-Bang Model Used In Software Development


Software Process Model Articles Series,

  1. What is Software Development Life Cycle
  2. Waterfall Model Used In Software Development
  3. Iterative Model Used In Software Development
  4. Spiral Model Used In Software Development
  5. V-Model Used In Software Development

Big Bang model

The Big Bang model is the Software development life cycle model where the development team does not follow any specific process. The development of the software product just starts when finance and efforts are available. The input and output of the software be not as per customer requirements. The Big Bang model does not follow any specific process/procedure, and very little planning is required for the development process, so very little planning is required in this model.

The big bang model is best for small types of project

Big-Bang Model Design and Application

The Big Bang model is all focused on all possible resources in software development and coding with very little planning or with no planning. The requirement understood and implemented as they come. Any change may or may not affect the whole product. The big bang model is suitable for a small project or two developers working together on a small project. This model is useful for academic projects and practice projects. The big bang model is best for projects where requirements are not understood, and the final date is not given.

Advantages of the Big-Bang Model

  • The big advantage of the Big Bang model is it focuses on all possible resources in software development and coding with very little planning or with no planning.
  • A very simple model for understanding and use
  • Very few resources are required.
  • The big-Bang model provides flexibility to developers
  • This model is good for academic and practice projects
  • Big Bang Model provides flexible management of the software development process.

Dis-Advantages of Big-Bang Model

  • Management of all activities of the software product is more complex
  • Software development is more complex
  • Many stages of the spiral model need more and excessive documentation
  • Not Suitable for small and less risky projects

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