In this article series, we are going to develop a desktop chat application using Angular 2 and Electron. In this part, we will setup Angular 2 application with Electron. We will extend this application in the next the parts of this series to use it as a chat window.
- Download and install Node.js from here.
- Download and install Visual Studio Code from here.
- You can pull the code from GitHub: here.
Initial Setup – Angular2 Application
Create a new folder for the application. I will name it as ‘desktop-chat-app-with-electron’. Open the folder in Visual Studio Code. Open terminal and run ‘npm i -g @angular/cli@latest’ command to install latest Angular CLI globally as we have used ’–g’ as a parameter.
Now, run ‘ng new chat-app’ command to create the Angular application. It will create ‘chat-app’ folder under ‘desktop-chat-app-with-electron’ folder with Angular setup files. Open package.json file from ‘chat-app’ folder. It contains script object. Add a command as ‘ngstart’ under scripts.
- "scripts": {
- "ng": "ng",
- "start": "ng serve",
- "build": "ng build",
- "test": "ng test",
- "lint": "ng lint",
- "e2e": "ng e2e",
- "ngstart": "npm run build && npm run start"
- }
Open terminal and change directory to ‘chat-app’. Execute ‘npm run ngstart’. It will build the Angular application and start it on port 4200. You can check it in browser by hittingthe URL ‘http://localhost:4200’. Now, we are ready with Angular setup.
Initial Setup – Electron
We will install Electron by executing the command ‘npm install --save-dev electron’. It will install the Electron module and add it to the devDependancies section in package.json of Angular application.
Now, create ‘electron-src’ folder under ‘chat-app’ folder.
Add two files ‘package.json’ and ‘starter.js’ to ‘electron-src’ folder.
Open package.json and add the following JSON to it. Name property is the title for Electron app and main property is the entry point for this app.
- {
- "name" : "electron-chat-app",
- "version" : "1.0.0",
- "main" : "starter.js"
- }
Now, open starter.js and start coding.
- 'use strict';
- const electron = require("electron");
- const app =;
- const BrowserWindow = electron.BrowserWindow;
We will load ‘electron’ module, initialize the app and BrowserWindow variables from its properties.
- let window;
- const createWindow =()=> {
- window = new BrowserWindow({width: 800, height: 800});
- window.loadURL(`file:
- window.on('closed', () => {
- window = null
- });
- };
We will declare Window variable and define createWindow function. Inside the function, we will create a new window from browserwindow class and set the height and width of that window. Then, we need to load index.html from the current folder the window. We also have to attach an event listener for event ‘closed’ on window, in which we will assign the window to null.
- app.on('ready', createWindow);
- app.on('activate', () => {
- if (window === null) {
- createWindow();
- }
- })
When the app will be ready, createWindow will be called. The same will be called on ‘activate’ event.
Build and Run
Now, we are ready with Angular2 and Electron setup. So, let's see the output as desktop app. But before that, we will setup some commands/scripts for easy processing of build and run the application.
Open package.json from ‘chat-app’ folder. Add the following commands to ‘scripts’ property.
- "ngbuild": "ng build --base-href .",
- "ecopyout": "cp electron-src/* dist/",
- "estart": "electron dist/",
- "erun": "npm run ngbuild && npm run ecopyout && npm run estart"
‘ngbuild’ will build the Angular application with base URL as ., it means current directory.
‘ecopyout’ will copyall files from ‘electron-src’ folder to dist folder, which is output directory of the Angular application.
‘estart’ will start the Electron application considering package.json file from dist folder. We are copying package.json from ‘electron-src’ to ‘dist’.
‘erun’ will execute all three commands added above.
So, from now on, to run the application, we will only execute ‘
npm run erun’. Open a terminal and run it. It will open a window with our index.html created in the Angular application.
We are ready with setup. In next article, we will start coding the chat application UI. Until then, keep exploring Electron.