Creating Custom Metadata in C# Attributes


C# attributes are a powerful way to add metadata to your code. They provide additional information about types, methods, properties, and other program elements that can be accessed at runtime using reflection. While C# comes with several built-in attributes, you can also create your own custom attributes to enhance the expressiveness and functionality of your code. In this article, we'll explore the concept of custom attributes in C#, including their creation and usage.

What Are C# Attributes?

Attributes, also known as metadata, are markers that provide additional information about your code. They can be applied to various program elements, including classes, methods, properties, parameters, and more. At runtime, you can use reflection to access these attributes and make decisions or perform actions based on the metadata they provide.

C# comes with several built-in attributes like [Obsolete], [Serializable], and [DllImport]. These attributes serve various purposes, from marking deprecated code to specifying how interop with unmanaged code should be handled.

Creating Custom Attributes

Creating a custom attribute in C# is relatively straightforward. To define a custom attribute, you need to create a class that inherits from the System. Attribute base class. Here's a simple example.

using System;

[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Method, AllowMultiple = false)]
public class MyCustomAttribute : Attribute
    public string Description { get; }

    public MyCustomAttribute(string description)
        Description = description;

In this example, we've created a custom attribute called MyCustomAttribute that accepts a description as a parameter in its constructor. We've also specified the AttributeUsage attribute to define where this custom attribute can be applied (classes and methods in this case) and whether multiple instances of the attribute can be applied to the same program element (in this case, we've disallowed it).

Applying Custom Attributes

Once you've defined your custom attribute, you can apply it to various program elements within your code. Here's how you can apply the MyCustomAttribute to a class and a method.

[MyCustom("This is a custom attribute applied to a class.")]
public class MyClass
    [MyCustom("This is a custom attribute applied to a method.")]
    public void MyMethod()
        // Method implementation

Now, the MyCustomAttribute is applied to both the MyClass class and the MyMethod method. The description provided in each case is specific to the usage of the attribute.

Retrieving Attribute Information

To retrieve attribute information at runtime, you can use reflection. Here's how you can access and use the MyCustomAttribute on the MyClass class.

Type type = typeof(MyClass);
MyCustomAttribute attribute = (MyCustomAttribute)Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(type, typeof(MyCustomAttribute));

if (attribute != null)
    Console.WriteLine($"Description for MyClass: {attribute. Description}");

Similarly, you can access the attribute applied to a method.

MethodInfo methodInfo = typeof(MyClass).GetMethod("MyMethod");
MyCustomAttribute methodAttribute = (MyCustomAttribute)Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(methodInfo, typeof(MyCustomAttribute));

if (methodAttribute != null)
    Console.WriteLine($"Description for MyMethod: {methodAttribute.Description}");

Use Cases for Custom Attributes

Custom attributes can be invaluable in various scenarios:

  1. Documentation: You can create custom attributes to add additional documentation or comments to your code, which can be extracted and processed by tools or libraries.
  2. Validation: Custom attributes can be used to specify validation rules for properties or method parameters, making it easier to enforce data integrity.
  3. Logging and Diagnostics: You can use custom attributes to mark methods or classes for enhanced logging or diagnostic purposes.
  4. Serialization: If you need to serialize objects in a specific way, custom attributes can be used to provide instructions to serialization libraries.
  5. Dependency Injection: Custom attributes can be used to mark classes for automatic dependency injection.


Custom attributes in C# provide a flexible way to add metadata and annotations to your code, enhancing its expressiveness and functionality. By defining and applying custom attributes, you can communicate additional information about your code to tools, libraries, and other developers. Whether you're building documentation generators, validation frameworks, or custom behavior in your applications, custom attributes are a valuable tool in your C# toolbox.

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