Deletion of Record using Power Shell Script with FetchXML Query in D365

Deletion of contact record using Power Shell Script with fetchxml query in D365

$ CRMConnection = Get-CrmConnection -InteractiveMode

$ CRMConnection.BypassPluginExecution = $true

It seems like you are attempting to establish a connection to a Microsoft Dynamics CRM (Dynamics 365) instance using PowerShell and the Get-CrmConnection cmdlet.

However, it's important to note that the command you provided, $conn = Get-CrmConnection -InteractiveMode, seems to be incomplete. The -InteractiveMode parameter is typically used to prompt the user to interactively enter their CRM credentials.

To establish a connection to a Dynamics CRM instance in interactive mode and bypass plugin execution

Construct a query condition using Advanced Find.


Remove-CrmRecord [-conn <CrmServiceClient>] [-CrmRecord] <PSObject> [<CommonParameters>]

Remove-CrmRecord [-conn <CrmServiceClient>] [-EntityLogicalName] <String> [-Id] <Guid> [<CommonParameters>]

Powershell Interactive Login


Download Fetch XML query

Download Fetch XML query

$fetchXml = @"
<fetch version="1.0" output-format="xml-platform" mapping="logical" distinct="false">
  <entity name="contact">
    <attribute name="contactid" />
    <order descending="false" attribute="fullname" />
    <filter type="and">
      <condition attribute="firstname" operator="like" value="%allam%" />
$contacts = Get-CrmRecordsByFetch -conn $conn -Fetch $fetchXml;
# Retrieve ContactId from each contact record
for ($i= 1; $i -le $contacts.values.Count; $i++) {
    $contactId = $contacts.values.contactid[$i]
    Write-Host "ContactId: $contactId"
    Remove-CrmRecord -conn $conn -EntityLogicalName contact -Id $contactId

This script retrieves a list of contacts from Dynamics 365 using FetchXML, which is a query language for Dynamics 365. The FetchXML query specified in the $fetchXml variable fetches contact records where the first name contains the substring "allam".

Once the contacts are retrieved, the script iterates over each contact record in the $contacts collection. For each contact, it retrieves the contactid attribute and removes the contact record from Dynamics 365 using the Remove-CrmRecord cmdlet.

However, there's a small correction needed in the loop. The index of the contact id should start from 0, not 1, since arrays are zero-indexed in PowerShell. Here's the corrected loop:

Check the connection $CRMConnection

Deletion of Record using Power Shell Script with FetchXML Query in D365

Deletion of Record using Power Shell Script with FetchXML Query in D365

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