In this article, we will learn step by step how to deploy our web applications with Angular in Firebase hosting using GitHub Actions.
Given these considerations, here are the important points that we will review in this article,
Now, you can access your angular app.
Go to the Firebase console and login with your Google account.
Click in Add project.
Write the project name and click in continue.
Disable Google Analytics and click on Create project.
Once your Firebase project is created, click on Continue.
Now, you can access the Firebase project.
Configure Firebase in the Angular app
Install Firebase CLI globally with the following command,
npm install -g firebase-tools
Login to your Firebase account with the following command,
firebase login
Choose the Google account that you created for the Firebase project.
Allow Firebase CLI to access Google account.
Initialize the project using this command,
firebase init
Upon initializing the project you’ll be asked a few questions,
- Firebase CLI features: Hosting
- Project Setup: Use an existing project (Angular Firebase Demo)
- Public directory: dist/angular-firebase-demo
- Configure as single-page app: Yes
- Set up automatic builds and deploys with GitHub?: No
- Overwrite index.html: No
Open your project in the IDE, and add the following script in the package.json file,
"build:prod": "ng build --prod"
Then, execute that script with this command,
npm run build:prod
As a result, a dist folder is created. And inside this are the compiled files.
Use this command to deploy your production-ready app to Firebase Hosting,
firebase deploy
Now, your app is deployed to Firebase and you can access it with the Hosting URL.
In the .gitignore file add the following line,
Create a repository in GitHub and implement GitHub Actions
Go to GitHub and create a repository. This repository can be Public or Private.
Then, from the CMD in your project directory. Use the following git commands,
GitHub requires a FIREBASE_TOKEN to be able to deploy your Angular app to Firebase. Generate a token for Firebase CI.
Now, from your GitHub repository go to Settings -> Secrets.
Click in New repository secret and add the Firebase token.
Finally, go to Actions and set up a workflow.
Copy the following YAML file,
Commit the file.
If all is correct. You can see that the deployment to Firebase was successful.
Now every commit that you do in the code is going to be deployed to Firebase automatically.
Thank you very much for reading, I hope you found this article interesting and may be useful in the future. If you have any questions or ideas that you need to discuss, it will be a pleasure to be able to collaborate and exchange knowledge together.