In this article, I am going to demonstrate how to create a form bot using Microsoft Azure Bot Services.
What is Form Bot ?
A form bot is designed to collect a specific set of information from the user. The form Bot enables us to ask the questions and gets the answer from the user and makes the decision.
Microsoft Azure Subscription. If you don't have a subscription go to this link to
Free Trial.Follow these steps to create a Form Bot using Bot Services
into your Azure Portal.
Press NEW(+) in the Menu Blade --->Navigate to Data+Analytics --->Press Bot Service(Preview).
And then it open the Bot Service(preview) Blade. In that enter the details and select pin to Dashboard then Press " Create " to Create the Bot.
Then the successful deployment is shown in the notification Blade and Our Form bot is successfully created and we navigate our Bot in the DashBoard that shows our Bot is successfully deployed. The next step is to configure our bot.
To configure our bot follow these steps
After the Deployment succeeds and it opens to the New tab into the Browser to create the App ID and password for our Bot. Press "create a App ID and Password ".
Then it generates the App ID and press "Generate an app password to continue".
After it's pressed to generate an app password it shows the password. Copy that into the clipboard and then Press "OK".
Then Press "Finish and go back to Bot Framework" And that takes us back to the Our Form Bot in the Azure portal.
Now paste our password in the Bot Framework and Choose our language.
I chose "C#" for our bot Framework. Scroll down and choose the Bot Template and choose the Form Template for our Bot.Then agree to the Terms and conditions and then Create bot to create our bot.
Accept the terms and conditions then press "create Bot " to create the Form Bot.
And then it opens the workspace for the form bot on the left side; it shows the files that are included in our bot.Then press Test on the right corner to Test our form bot.
The basic work of the form bot is to ask the required information from the user and create the report or make the decesion that we are going to give as the instruction for our form bot.
By using this Azure bot service , we can use many automatic bot frameworks in our websites. I hope that you understand how to create and deploy the Form Bot using Azure Bot Services and also we may configure our bot with our requirements. The only limitation is your imagination and knowledge.