Dynamically Change Visual Title In Power BI


In this article, we will learn how we can change the visual title dynamically in Power BI.
Many times, we have a requirement in which we need to show the slicer’s selected value as a title of the visualization.
At that time, this feature is very useful. Before we start, I would advise you to update the Power BI Desktop app with the latest version.
So, now let’s get started!
Step 1
Below is a Power BI Report in which I have represented the salary in the Gauge.
Dynamically Change Visual Title In Power BI
Step 2
We want to set the Title for the Gauge dynamically with the selected dropdown.
Step 3
Select the Gauge visual.
Dynamically Change Visual Title In Power BI
Select the “Title” property.
We can find ellipses icon. Click on it.
Step 4
Click on "Conditional Formatting".
Dynamically Change Visual Title In Power BI
Step 5
Select "Field Value" from the "Format By" dropdown.
Dynamically Change Visual Title In Power BI
Select Department from the dropdown.
Dynamically Change Visual Title In Power BI
Click OK.
Step 6
Now, the Title property is converted to this fx symbol.
Dynamically Change Visual Title In Power BI 
Step 7
Now, let’s test different departments  -- and here is an output.
Dynamically Change Visual Title In Power BI
Dynamically Change Visual Title In Power BI


This is how we can easily change the title dynamically for any visualization in Power BI. Isn’t it amazing?
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Happy Power BI!!

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