Enable Change Tracking Using Powershell in D365


Change tracking is a critical aspect of managing data in dynamic environments, especially within Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems. This article explores the concept of change tracking and provides a practical guide on enabling it using Microsoft Dynamics CRM. Instead of manually enabling the change tracking, we will discuss the process of automating it for multiple entities. Change tracking allows organizations to efficiently monitor modifications to data, providing insights into updates, deletions, and additions. This capability is particularly valuable for maintaining data accuracy, tracking user activity, and enhancing overall system performance.

Use Cases

Change tracking is applicable in diverse scenarios across industries, with notable use cases.

  1. Auditing and Compliance: Organizations frequently require a comprehensive audit trail to meet regulatory compliance standards. Change tracking ensures the recording of every modification to critical data, facilitating compliance reporting and analysis.
  2. Data Synchronization: In environments where data is shared among multiple systems or databases, change tracking becomes instrumental in efficiently synchronizing updates. This is crucial for maintaining consistency and preventing conflicts.
  3. User Activity Monitoring: Understanding user interactions with CRM data is essential for optimizing user experience and identifying training needs. Change tracking offers a detailed log of user activities, enabling organizations to analyze patterns and enhance user efficiency.
  4. Performance Optimization: Especially beneficial for large datasets, change tracking reduces the necessity to process and transmit redundant information. This leads to improved performance, reduced network traffic, and more responsive systems.

Steps to Perform Change Tracking

Enabling change tracking in Microsoft Dynamics CRM involves a series of straightforward steps. Below is a step-by-step guide.

Step 1. Install the Microsoft.Xrm.Data.Powershell Module

Before initiating any changes, ensure that Microsoft.Xrm.Data.The Powershell module is installed. This module provides the necessary cmdlets for interacting with Dynamics CRM via PowerShell.

Install-Module Microsoft.Xrm.Data.Powershell -Scope CurrentUser

Step 2. Establish CRM Connection

Connect to your Dynamics CRM instance using PowerShell. Replace the placeholder values with your CRM instance details.

$conn = Get-CrmConnection -ConnectionString "AuthType=ClientSecret;Url=yourCRM_Instance_URL;ClientId=yourClientId;ClientSecret=yourClientSecret"

Step 3. Enable Change Tracking for Entities

Define a function to enable change tracking for a specific entity. The function retrieves the entity metadata, checks if change tracking is already enabled, and updates the configuration if needed.

# Function to enable change tracking for a specific entity
function Enable-ChangeTracking($EntityName) {
    # Retrieve entity metadata
    $entityRetrieve = New-Object Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Messages.RetrieveEntityRequest -Property @{
        EntityFilters = 1
        LogicalName = $EntityName
    $responseEntity = $conn.ExecuteCrmOrganizationRequest($entityRetrieve)

    # Check if change tracking is not already enabled
    if (-not $responseEntity.EntityMetadata.ChangeTrackingEnabled) {
        Write-Output "Enabling Change Tracking for $EntityName..."
        $responseEntity.EntityMetadata.ChangeTrackingEnabled = $true

        # Update entity metadata
        $entityUpdate = New-Object Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Messages.UpdateEntityRequest -Property @{
            Entity = $responseEntity.EntityMetadata
        Write-Output "Change Tracking enabled for $EntityName."
    } else {
        Write-Output "Change Tracking is already enabled for $EntityName."

Step 4. Enable Change Tracking for Selected Entities

Specify the entities for which you want to enable change tracking. The script iterates through the entities, calling the previously defined function.

$entitiesToEnableChangeTracking = "contact", "sharepointsite", "sample_product"

foreach ($entity in $entitiesToEnableChangeTracking) {
    Enable-ChangeTracking -EntityName $entity

Sample Output

Change tracking

Step 5. Publish Metadata Changes

After enabling change tracking, it's essential to publish metadata changes to make the configurations take effect.

# Publish all metadata changes
$Publish = New-Object Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.Messages.PublishAllXmlRequest


For preserving data integrity and fine-tuning CRM systems, change tracking plays a pivotal role. Activating change tracking in Microsoft Dynamics CRM empowers organizations with valuable insights into data modifications, elevates compliance measures, and boosts the overall performance of the system. The step-by-step guide presented in this article serves as a pragmatic resource for organizations seeking to incorporate change tracking into their Dynamics CRM environments. We can implement this script as part of our Pre-Post deployment steps during deployment automation as well. Please feel free to reach out in case of any concerns.

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