In this article, users will find the steps to generate an HTML Report Using Jenkins.
Jenkins should be installed on your computer.
1. Download & Installation of HTML Publisher Plugin.
To Generate HTML reports in Jenkins, first, we have to Install HTML Publisher Plugin. To Install HTML Publisher Plugin, follow mentioned steps below.
Goto Manage Jenkins
Click/Go to the Manage Plugin section
Search for an HTML Publisher plugin
Install the Plugin and restart Jenkins
![Generate HTML Reports In Jenkins]()
2. Generate HTML report In Jenkins.
Once HTML Publisher Plugin is installed, then go to the Respective Job section and Verify HTML report is available.
Click on the required Created/Available Job from the Job List.
![Generate HTML Reports In Jenkins]()
Click on Configure Option and Go to the Job Configuration Job Page.
![Generate HTML Reports In Jenkins]()
Scroll down and click on the "Post-build Actions" section
Select Publish HTML Reports option from the drop-down.
![Generate HTML Reports In Jenkins]()
Provide HTML directory to archive from respective project where index.html extent report is created in "Publish HTML reports" section.
![Generate HTML Reports In Jenkins]()
Click on Apply and Save Button.
After Saving Job Configuration details, Perform the Run Build action for the respective Job.
Go to Job Build Console Page, and there "HTML Reports" option with the icon Logo will be Activated.
![Generate HTML Reports In Jenkins]()
Click on HTML Reports Options to Verify the Results
NOTE:- If You are Facing these Issues in the HTML report Page. We have to Perform Jenkins CSS Object Security Settings.
![Generate HTML Reports In Jenkins]()
If the Report does not support in HTML Format view, then Navigate to the Script Console page, provide mentioned Command, and re-run the job build.
Go to Manage Jenkins Page
Click on the Manage Nodes and Clouds option.
![Generate HTML Reports In Jenkins]()
From Manage Nodes and Clouds, Page click on the Nodes setting icon.
![Generate HTML Reports In Jenkins]()
Click on Script Console Option from the Menu section and Go to Script Console Page.
![Generate HTML Reports In Jenkins]()
Provide the Following command in the Script Console text execution Box.
Command to execute-> System.setProperty("Hudson.model.DirectoryBrowserSupport.CSP", "default-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval'; img-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' data:;")
Note: If still facing an error with the above command, then try with below mentioned command
System.setProperty("hudson.model.DirectoryBrowserSupport.CSP", "")
Click on the Run button once the command is provided. After clicking on the Run button, and result will be activated and displayed in the Bottom
![Generate HTML Reports In Jenkins]()
4. Re-Run Builds and Verify HTML REPORTS.
Once Script Console Setting is done, go to Job and Run Build.
Go to Job and click on the Build Now option.
![Generate HTML Reports In Jenkins]()
Once the Build run is completed, click on the HTML Reports option and Verify the result report.
NOTE: Job Builds HTML Reports will display in a well-Managed format.
![Generate HTML Reports In Jenkins]()
The HTML Publisher plugin helps publish the reports your build generates to the job and build pages.
It is designed to work with both Freestyle projects and is used in a Jenkins Pipeline.
I hope this article will be helpful.
Happy Learning! Happy Testing!