Getting Started With Hugging Face


In this article, we will explore the definition and purpose of Hugging Face; we will also understand its role in simplifying NLP tasks and discover the wonderful resources it offers developers and researchers. After reading this article, you will clearly understand how Hugging Face empowers NLP (Natural Language Processing) enthusiasts and enables us to build powerful language-based AI applications.

What is Hugging Face?

Hugging Face is a community or company that develops and builds open-source tools to facilitate the use of NLP(Natural Language Processing) tasks. And with this it also enables users to build, train, and deploy machine learning models based on open-source code and technologies.

In simpler words, Hugging Face is a company that is developing tools to create applications using Machine Learning. It provides a bunch of tools and resources to make it simple for developers and researchers to work with language-based artificial intelligence. It is an open-source data science and Machine Learning platform. One of the best things about Hugging Face is it also focuses on collaboration and community. People from all over the world come together to contribute and improve the models and resources available. It's a place where ideas are shared, problems are solved, and the field of NLP keeps advancing.

Purpose of Hugging Face

With Hugging Face, we don't have to start from scratch. It provides a library called Transformers that offers us pre-trained models for various NLP tasks. These models have already been learned from massive amounts of text, so you can use them as a starting point and fine-tune them for your specific needs. It saves your time and effort. Not only that, Hugging Face has an amazing Model Hub where you can find and share models created by the community. It helps us to discover and use the best models out there. It also provides datasets and pipelines that make it easier to load, preprocess, and use data for NLP tasks.

What is NLP?

NLP stands for Natural Language Processing. We humans communicate with each other using words and text. The way that we convey information to each other is called Natural Language. Every day we share a large quality of information with each other in various languages as speech or text. However, computers cannot interpret this data, which is in natural language, as they communicate in 1s and 0s. Hence, you need computers to be able to understand and respond intelligently to human speech. Natural Language Processing or NLP refers to the branch of Artificial Intelligence(AI) that gives machines the ability to read, understand and derive meaning from human languages.

Getting Start With Hugging Face

Let's start working with Hugging Face by creating an account.

1. To register your account on Hugging Face, Click on the Sign Up button.


2. On clicking the Sign Up button, you would have to complete your details.


3. After entering all the details, you'll be redirected to this page. In the below image, you will see on the Upper-Right side Models, Datasets, Spaces, and Docs are shown.


Now, let's discuss them in detail.


Hugging Face provides a diverse range of pre-trained language models through its Model Hub. These models have been trained on a large amount of text data and possess a remarkable understanding of human language.

  1. Pre-trained Models- Hugging Face offers a wide selection of pre-trained models, including those based on transformer architectures like BERT, GPT, RoBERTa, DistilBERT, and many more. These models have been trained on large-scale corpora, often consisting of billions of words, and have learned to capture various aspects of language, such as syntax, semantics, and contextual information.
  2. Model Specializations- Each pre-trained model in the Hugging Face Model Hub has its own specialization and purpose. Some models excel at text classification tasks, while others are designed for question answering, sentiment analysis, language translation, summarization, or for speech recognition. Depending on your specific NLP task, you can select a model that suits your needs.
  3. Fine-tuning Capability- Hugging Face models can also be fine-tuned on domain-specific or task-specific datasets. Fine-tuning allows you to adapt the pre-trained models to perform better on specific tasks, making them more precise and accurate. This capability enables practitioners to achieve state-of-the-art performance on their specific NLP tasks with minimal effort.
  4. Community Contributions- Hugging Face's Model Hub is not limited to models developed solely by the Hugging Face team. The platform encourages community contributions, allowing researchers and developers to share their own pre-trained models. As a result of this collaboration, the Model Hub is enriched with a wide variety of models that are designed for specific industries, languages, or specific use cases.

Note. Corpora- Large collection of textual data (text documents).



A dataset refers to a structured collection of data that is specifically curated for use in Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks. The datasets available on the Hugging Face are designed to assist developers and practitioners in training and evaluating NLP models. These datasets encompass a wide range of topics, languages, and domains. They are carefully organized, often including labeled examples or annotations, to enable the development and evaluation of machine learning models for various NLP tasks. Common tasks that datasets support include text classification, sentiment analysis, question answering, machine translation, summarization, and more.

Hugging Face's datasets are accessible through their Datasets library, which simplifies the process of loading and working with these collections of data. The library provides a user-friendly interface for handling dataset loading, preprocessing, exploration, splitting, and sampling. The datasets available on the Hugging Face site are not limited to those curated by the Hugging Face team. This Hugging Face also encourages community contributions, allowing researchers and developers to share their  datasets with the wider NLP community. This collaborative approach enriches the selection of datasets available and caters to diverse research interests and application needs.



Hugging Face Spaces is a feature that allows us to collaborate and share our work within the Hugging Face platform. Space provides a collaborative environment for teams or individuals to work together on various NLP tasks and projects. Within a Hugging Face Space, we can create and manage projects and share code snippets, notebooks, datasets, and models with collaborators. It serves as a centralized hub for collaboration, making it easier to organize, discuss, and iterate on NLP-related work. We can create public as well as private spaces which makes it more interesting and attractive as in private space you can collaborate with the persons only who are allowed.

Spaces offer several functionalities.

  1. Project Management- Spaces provide a structured environment for organizing projects. We can create different projects within a Space, each with its own set of resources, code, and data.
  2. Collaboration and Sharing- We can also invite collaborators to join a Space, allowing them to work together on projects. Collaborators can access and contribute to shared resources like notebooks, code, and datasets.
  3. Code Execution- Spaces provide the ability to execute code directly within the platform, allowing us to run experiments, train models, and perform analyses without the need for additional infrastructure setup.
  4. Model Sharing- Within a Space, we can share trained models, fine-tuned models, or model checkpoints with collaborators. This facilitates collaborative model development and experimentation.
  5. Documentation and Communication- Spaces allow us to document and discuss our work with collaborators through shared notes, comments, and discussions. This promotes knowledge sharing, collaboration, and effective communication within a project.



This article provides a step-by-step guide on Hugging Face; following the steps, you can use Hugging Face Models in your applications.


Q. What are the benefits of using Hugging Face?

A. Hugging Face provides powerful tools for NLP tasks from Language translation to text classification.

Q. What are the different types of models available on Hugging Face?

A. Here are some of the most common types of models.

  • Autoregressive models: These models are trained to predict the next token in a sequence. They are often used for text-generation tasks like chatbots and machine translation.
  • Sequence-to-sequence models: These models are trained to map an input sequence to an output sequence. They are often used for tasks such as question answering and summarization.
  • Multimodal models: These models are trained to process both text and other modalities, such as images or audio. They are often used for tasks such as visual question answering and natural language inference.

Q. What are the different tasks for that I can use Hugging Face models?

A. Hugging Face models can be used for different tasks. Here are some of the common tasks.

  • Text classification: This task involves classifying text into one of a set of predefined categories. For example, you could use a text classification model to classify customer reviews as positive or negative.
  • Machine translation: This task involves translating text from one language to another. For example, you could use a machine translation model to translate a website from English to French.
  • Sentiment analysis: This task involves determining the sentiment of a piece of text, such as whether it is positive, negative, or neutral. For example, you could use a sentiment analysis model to determine the sentiment of a customer review.

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