🖥️ How to Create an Web App in Microsoft Azure?


In the rapidly evolving landscape of web development and deployment, Azure Web App emerges as a pivotal solution for hosting and managing web applications with unparalleled ease and efficiency. As part of Microsoft Azure's extensive suite of cloud services, Azure Web App provides developers with a robust platform for deploying web applications without the hassle of managing infrastructure.

What is Azure Web App?

Azure Web App is a fully managed Platform as a Service (PaaS) offering from Microsoft Azure, designed to streamline the deployment and management of web applications. It provides a scalable, secure, and flexible environment for hosting various types of web applications, including websites, APIs, and web services. With Azure Web App, developers can focus on building and enhancing their applications, while Azure takes care of the underlying infrastructure, including servers, networking, and operating system maintenance.

Create a web app and deploy it via FTP

Here I will list step by step how to create a web app and how to deploy via FTP.

1. Once You Log in to Azure Port the below screen will display.

Azure services

2. Select the App Service option at the top of the menu once you click the App service Below Screen will appear and you need to select the Create option in the left corner.

App services

3. Click Web App in the option displayed.

Option displayed

4. The Create Web App Window will display with 7 tabs.

  • Basic
  • Database
  • Deployement
  • Networking
  • Monitoring
  • Tags
  • Review + Create

We will fill in the Necessary mandatory information in the Basic tab.

Create Web app

5. In the Basic tab under Project we need to select the subscription that we have already subscribed.

  • In the Resource Group, we need to select the Resource there must be a create resource option we need to create on a resource that resource will load in the drop-down we need to select we may also create a number of apps under this resource group.
  • We need to give the name for the app this name will act as a URL to log in to the application.
  • In the publish option we need to select the Code
  • In the Runtime Stack, we need to select .Net 6 (LTS) -Long-Term Support.
  • Select the Operating system as Windows.
  • In which region we are going to deploy this app we need to select the Region.

6. Next Section in basic we need to fill in the Pricing Plans. Initially, we go for a Free plan based on the User usage we may go for the next paid plan.

Pricing plan

7. Leave the remaining tabs as it is and click Review + Create.

Review & Create

8. Once the Creation of the web app is completed below screen will display.

Deployment completed

9. Click on the Go to resource button the system will show the complete information of the web app that we created.

Web App

10. Now click on Default domain then you can see the landing page of your hosted application, Here still no files are moved to this root directory you can see the default page like this.

Microsoft Azure

11. Ref picture 9 you can see another option Download Publish Profile, once you click this option a json file will download this file contains information about deployment credentials.

publishUrl="ftps://waws-prod-blu-389.ftp.azurewebsites.windows.net/site/wwwroot" ftpPassiveMode="True" userName="samplewepapp2024\$samplewepapp2024" userPWD="AQLLW7a6nnC-T57WZbAqnAVNA5kasgE.eVUam3TraIL1XCPYF94P2PIFFced7ykXwuvpcHorPg0"

12. From the json file we need to input the access credentials to the web app root folder via  FTP.

Folder via FTP

  • Host: ftps://waws-prod-blu-389.ftp.azurewebsites.windows.net/site/wwwroot
  • username: samplewepapp2024\$samplewepapp2024
  • Password: AQLLW7a6nnC-T57WZbAqnAVNA5kasgE.eVUam3TraIL1XCPYF94P2PIFFced7ykXwuvpcHorPg0
  • port: 990

13. By entering the credentials we can access the Root folder and move our published files to Azure Cloud.


Azure Web App stands out as a preferred choice for hosting web applications due to its scalability, ease of deployment, managed infrastructure, integration capabilities, security features, and cost-effectiveness. By leveraging Azure Web App, developers can focus on innovation and delivering exceptional user experiences without being burdened by the complexities of infrastructure management.

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