How to Submit Form When User Press Enter Key on DropDownList Box

This function is in JavaScript.

This function will help to submit form when user press enter
key at dropdownlist box.

//if enter key pressed at DropDownList

function onEnterpress(e)


    //define any varible

    var KeyPress 


    //if which property of event object is supported 

    if(e && e.which)


        e = e


        //character code is contained in NN4's which property

        KeyPress = e.which




        e = event

        KeyPress = e.keyCode



    //13 is the key code of enter key

    if(KeyPress == 13)


        //frmLogin is the name of form


        return false    




        return true



After this just add the event in your code file at pageLoad like is:

Your code file may be in VB.NET or C# so you may add even like this.

ddlDropDownList.Attributes.Add("onKeyPress", "javascript:onEnterpress(event);")

Event is the name of event pressed by user at keyBoard Key.

ddlDropDownList is the name of dropdown on which we want to add event.

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