How To Use Bootstrap And Font Awesome In Angular Apps

Create an Angular application with Angular CLI with the following command:
  1. ng new DemoApp  
And set all CLI prompt question as per your need, as you can see in the following image,
How To Use Bootstrap And Font Awesome In Angular Apps 
So after this,  the angular app will be ready and you’ll find this message on your Terminal or Command prompt.
How To Use Bootstrap And Font Awesome In Angular Apps 
Now open your app code in Visual Studio Code or any other IDE that allows you to edit your HTML and TS. If you need to open in VS Code,  you can directly write a command “code .” But you must be in your project folder.
How To Use Bootstrap And Font Awesome In Angular Apps
Now serve your app in a browser for a default preview without Bootstrap and Font-Awesome. Open terminal in Visual Studio code using Menu option as Terminal -> New Terminal or use shortcut key Ctrl + ~ and press enter after writing the following Command,
ng serve --open
How To Use Bootstrap And Font Awesome In Angular Apps
Now you must have your app’s default view in the browser on http://localhost:4200 this is a default URL for Angular Development Server to preview and deploy locally, so now you’ll see your app is working in your default browser with this default view,
How To Use Bootstrap And Font Awesome In Angular Apps
Now let’s have Bootstrap and Font Awesome in this application. Go two your terminal again and stop the last job that was “ng serve” using Ctrl + C and press y to terminate this, now write the command to install Bootstrap and font awesome from NPM in a signal command and press enter after it:
  1. npm install bootstrap font-awesome --save   
or if you want  only bootstrap:
  1. npm install bootstrap –save   
or for only Font Awesome
  1. npm install font-awesome --save   
How To Use Bootstrap And Font Awesome In Angular Apps
So, just wait for a few seconds until it gets the packages from NPM.
How To Use Bootstrap And Font Awesome In Angular Apps
Now finally you have both the packages in your app’s Node Modules, you can go and check if you want or can proceed for the next step.
Now, find the style.ccs file from your app's file.
How To Use Bootstrap And Font Awesome In Angular Apps
Open this file and import your bootstrap and font-awesome packages for application-level uses, like this.
  1. @import "~bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.css"; @import "~font-awesome/css/font-awesome.css";   
How To Use Bootstrap And Font Awesome In Angular Apps
Now just save your application and serve your app again with the same command (ng serve --open to check is there are any changes in the application UI).
How To Use Bootstrap And Font Awesome In Angular Apps
I believe you can feel the difference in fonts and how they change as you added bootstrap, still, we have to check them with an example.
So, now let’s go to app.component.html file and remove all the default code and I just added a button:
  1. <button> Save </button>  
Now the page output looks like this,
How To Use Bootstrap And Font Awesome In Angular Apps
Now let me try to use some Bootstrap and font-awesome classes, as follows:
  1. <div class="container"> <p>     <button class="btn btn-success">       <i class="fa fa-floppy-o" aria-hidden="true"></i> Save     </button>   </p> </div>  
And the output is:
How To Use Bootstrap And Font Awesome In Angular Apps
Both are working fine, I hope you can do it correctly  now.